Never Trust A Happy Song

简介:  * 入选NME「2010优秀新贵」、SPIN杂志「2011年最值得关注乐团」名单的加州强势Indie Rock劲旅   * 英国卫报:Indie乐团最完美的榜样,虽然吸纳着前辈的传统精华,却仍能经营出自身的独特面!   * SPIN杂志抢先给予「Colours」单曲标题:〈最具感染力的歌谣之一,绝对不能错听〉       入选NME「2010优秀新贵」、SPIN杂志「2011年值得关注乐团」名单,出道不到2年时间,便已旋风席捲英美两地摇滚乐坛的Grouplove,更是震撼独立界的新锐尖兵,已成为各大媒体争相锁定的焦点,包括:亚美利坚全国公共广播电台(简称NPR):Grouplove的音乐是令人渴望、深深感动人心,更包覆充满愉悦之喧嚣!;英国卫报:Indie乐团最完美的榜样,虽然吸纳着前辈的传统精华,却仍能经营出自身的独特面!。       由主唱/吉他手Christian Zucconi、键盘/主唱Hannah Hooper、贝斯手Sean Gadd、吉他手Andrew Wessen和鼓手Ryan Rabin所组成的Grouplove,其中受人瞩目的Ryan,不仅担任製作的核心人物,更是60年末前卫摇滚经典巨擘Yes前吉他高手Trevor Rabin之子!团员们不断的创作与找寻演出机会,2010年率先拱出暖身同名EP“Grouplove”,便让BBC大为惊艳的比喻:就像Dinosaur Jr.遇上The Moldy Peaches。随后获得入围2011年葛莱美奖「最佳新进艺人」+全英音乐奖「最佳乐评人奖」的Florence + The Machine邀约,成为其英美多场巡演的开场嘉宾,知名度更为大幅提升地累积许多拥护者!       趁胜追击的首张完整录音室大碟“Never Trust A Happy Song”,特别珍藏初试啼声EP“Grouplove”中的引荐好歌,并且全权交给Ryan负责操盘,利用其自家录音室完成作业!以欢愉节拍勾起的「Itchin’ On A Photograph」开场,喧闹吉他和鼓的部分不断刺激聆听感官,挟带Christian颓圮又暴躁的Emo式嗓音驱使,Hannah一旁的弹琴和声,流畅旋律不断堆叠,是首耐人寻味的高能量之作,绝对一听上瘾;渗入Synthpop气流的「Tongue Tied」,Christian和Hannah交相演绎,酷High不断电的线条四处窜流,是支流有舞曲节拍脉动的过瘾作品;单曲「Colours」被SPIN杂志抢先给予“最具感染力的歌谣之一,绝对不能错过”的大力推荐,令人肾上腺激素飙升,体验Grouplove全然不羁的野性美;中版平稳的「Naked Kids」,爽朗交织单纯又振奋人心之频率!Grouplove虽然要你别相信快乐的歌,但是,听了他们12首精緻歌曲的排序,想不快乐都很难!       "If it makes you happy," Sheryl Crow once mused, "then why the hell are you so sad?" It’s a question that could well be reversed and asked of California five-piece Grouplove, whose hotly anticipated debut album is finally a tangible prospect. While its songs – on their glossy, shiny, chirpy, summery surface – seem full of ebullient joy, underneath that buoyant exterior, there’s a lingering, ineluctable sense of melancholy. The first thing, however, that strikes you about these 12 songs is just how different they are. Not necessarily from other bands around today – although that’s true to an extent – but from each other; just how much, in this album’s 47 minutes, it shifts sounds.   The breezy, doe-eyed, wistful opener Itchin’ on a Photograph is redolent of their first, self-titled EP, where, like that record’s lead track, Colours, there’s more than a hint of Modest Mouse to Christian Zucconi’s vocals and the song’s soaring yet delicate melody. It’s upbeat but wistful, life-affirming yet jaded – akin, perhaps, to experiencing the hangover of a crazy night out while still downing the cocktails.   It’s a paradox that runs through the whole album. Tongue Tied is similarly caught between two polar opposites, its sentiment at beautiful odds with its bouncy tune; while the aforementioned Colours and the whimsical Lovely Cup, although seemingly nonsensical at first, soon reveal themselves as full of emotional instability. Slow – a dark, spectral song, and one of a few on which keyboardist/vocalist Hannah Hooper takes centre stage – completely shifts the musical focus of the record, something which Naked Kids, replete with its Bran Van 3000-esque slow-motion ‘rap’ takes full advantage of, while it emulates the perfect California day.   Elsewhere, Betty’s a Bombshell is a lilting story song that glides with syrupy harmonies, Love Will Save Your Soul an immediately hummable, optimistic, energetic (and wonderfully naïve) romp, and penultimate number Cruel and Beautiful World a downbeat, rain-soaked ode to the best and worst things in life, all of which is captured in its simple but powerful chorus. Then, Close Your Eyes and Count to Ten ends the album with bittersweet poignancy. Never Trust a Happy Song is far from a cohesive album, but that actually works to its advantage – because it encapsulates the ups and downs, the joys and sorrows, of this emotional rollercoaster known as life. Live it – and (Group)love it.
  * 入选NME「2010优秀新贵」、SPIN杂志「2011年最值得关注乐团」名单的加州强势Indie Rock劲旅   * 英国卫报:Indie乐团最完美的榜样,虽然吸纳着前辈的传统精华,却仍能经营出自身的独特面!   * SPIN杂志抢先给予「Colours」单曲标题:〈最具感染力的歌谣之一,绝对不能错听〉       入选NME「2010优秀新贵」、SPIN杂志「2011年值得关注乐团」名单,出道不到2年时间,便已旋风席捲英美两地摇滚乐坛的Grouplove,更是震撼独立界的新锐尖兵,已成为各大媒体争相锁定的焦点,包括:亚美利坚全国公共广播电台(简称NPR):Grouplove的音乐是令人渴望、深深感动人心,更包覆充满愉悦之喧嚣!;英国卫报:Indie乐团最完美的榜样,虽然吸纳着前辈的传统精华,却仍能经营出自身的独特面!。       由主唱/吉他手Christian Zucconi、键盘/主唱Hannah Hooper、贝斯手Sean Gadd、吉他手Andrew Wessen和鼓手Ryan Rabin所组成的Grouplove,其中受人瞩目的Ryan,不仅担任製作的核心人物,更是60年末前卫摇滚经典巨擘Yes前吉他高手Trevor Rabin之子!团员们不断的创作与找寻演出机会,2010年率先拱出暖身同名EP“Grouplove”,便让BBC大为惊艳的比喻:就像Dinosaur Jr.遇上The Moldy Peaches。随后获得入围2011年葛莱美奖「最佳新进艺人」+全英音乐奖「最佳乐评人奖」的Florence + The Machine邀约,成为其英美多场巡演的开场嘉宾,知名度更为大幅提升地累积许多拥护者!       趁胜追击的首张完整录音室大碟“Never Trust A Happy Song”,特别珍藏初试啼声EP“Grouplove”中的引荐好歌,并且全权交给Ryan负责操盘,利用其自家录音室完成作业!以欢愉节拍勾起的「Itchin’ On A Photograph」开场,喧闹吉他和鼓的部分不断刺激聆听感官,挟带Christian颓圮又暴躁的Emo式嗓音驱使,Hannah一旁的弹琴和声,流畅旋律不断堆叠,是首耐人寻味的高能量之作,绝对一听上瘾;渗入Synthpop气流的「Tongue Tied」,Christian和Hannah交相演绎,酷High不断电的线条四处窜流,是支流有舞曲节拍脉动的过瘾作品;单曲「Colours」被SPIN杂志抢先给予“最具感染力的歌谣之一,绝对不能错过”的大力推荐,令人肾上腺激素飙升,体验Grouplove全然不羁的野性美;中版平稳的「Naked Kids」,爽朗交织单纯又振奋人心之频率!Grouplove虽然要你别相信快乐的歌,但是,听了他们12首精緻歌曲的排序,想不快乐都很难!       "If it makes you happy," Sheryl Crow once mused, "then why the hell are you so sad?" It’s a question that could well be reversed and asked of California five-piece Grouplove, whose hotly anticipated debut album is finally a tangible prospect. While its songs – on their glossy, shiny, chirpy, summery surface – seem full of ebullient joy, underneath that buoyant exterior, there’s a lingering, ineluctable sense of melancholy. The first thing, however, that strikes you about these 12 songs is just how different they are. Not necessarily from other bands around today – although that’s true to an extent – but from each other; just how much, in this album’s 47 minutes, it shifts sounds.   The breezy, doe-eyed, wistful opener Itchin’ on a Photograph is redolent of their first, self-titled EP, where, like that record’s lead track, Colours, there’s more than a hint of Modest Mouse to Christian Zucconi’s vocals and the song’s soaring yet delicate melody. It’s upbeat but wistful, life-affirming yet jaded – akin, perhaps, to experiencing the hangover of a crazy night out while still downing the cocktails.   It’s a paradox that runs through the whole album. Tongue Tied is similarly caught between two polar opposites, its sentiment at beautiful odds with its bouncy tune; while the aforementioned Colours and the whimsical Lovely Cup, although seemingly nonsensical at first, soon reveal themselves as full of emotional instability. Slow – a dark, spectral song, and one of a few on which keyboardist/vocalist Hannah Hooper takes centre stage – completely shifts the musical focus of the record, something which Naked Kids, replete with its Bran Van 3000-esque slow-motion ‘rap’ takes full advantage of, while it emulates the perfect California day.   Elsewhere, Betty’s a Bombshell is a lilting story song that glides with syrupy harmonies, Love Will Save Your Soul an immediately hummable, optimistic, energetic (and wonderfully naïve) romp, and penultimate number Cruel and Beautiful World a downbeat, rain-soaked ode to the best and worst things in life, all of which is captured in its simple but powerful chorus. Then, Close Your Eyes and Count to Ten ends the album with bittersweet poignancy. Never Trust a Happy Song is far from a cohesive album, but that actually works to its advantage – because it encapsulates the ups and downs, the joys and sorrows, of this emotional rollercoaster known as life. Live it – and (Group)love it.