
简介:  《迷失的二十年》   作曲 • 填詞 762   編曲 • 監製 SanWong   主唱 李寂   和聲 李寂 762 SanWong   插畫 電磁砲二期   策劃 地底樂團   二十年是什麼概念?二十年不能說很短,也不是真的很長,雖然你靜下來能夠仔細憶起二十年來走過的每個片段,但串連起來卻沒有什麼起承轉合,沒有明確起點,也當然沒有終點,十分「迷失」。   《迷失的二十年》不是說沒有進步、沒有經歷,但說到底不過是兜兜轉轉,人在不知不覺之中改變自己也不知,得到一些,又好像錯過那些,不算很好,也不算很壞。情緒也一樣,沒有了興奮的心跳,但繼續流汗跳舞。如何走出輪迴?其實答案可能已經出現過,但你沒智力觀察到,於是只有繼續.....   《Lost twenty years》   Composing and Lyrics 762   Arranging and Producing SanWong   Vocal Lonely Li   Backing vocalist Lonely Li 762 SanWong   illustration Electromagnetic gun II   Project planning Underground   What is the concept of twenty years? Twenty years can't be said to be very short, it's not really long. Although you can calm down and remember each piece that you have traveled in the past 20 years, there is nothing in the series, there is no clear starting point, and of course there is no end. Very "lost."   《Lost twenty years》It’s not that there is no progress, no experience, but in the end it’s just a turnaround. People don’t know how to change themselves without knowing it. If they get some, they seem to miss those, not too good, not bad. The mood is the same, there is no exciting heartbeat, but the system continues to sweat and dance. How to get out of the cycle? In fact, the answer may have appeared, but you have no intelligence to observe, so only continue.....
  《迷失的二十年》   作曲 • 填詞 762   編曲 • 監製 SanWong   主唱 李寂   和聲 李寂 762 SanWong   插畫 電磁砲二期   策劃 地底樂團   二十年是什麼概念?二十年不能說很短,也不是真的很長,雖然你靜下來能夠仔細憶起二十年來走過的每個片段,但串連起來卻沒有什麼起承轉合,沒有明確起點,也當然沒有終點,十分「迷失」。   《迷失的二十年》不是說沒有進步、沒有經歷,但說到底不過是兜兜轉轉,人在不知不覺之中改變自己也不知,得到一些,又好像錯過那些,不算很好,也不算很壞。情緒也一樣,沒有了興奮的心跳,但繼續流汗跳舞。如何走出輪迴?其實答案可能已經出現過,但你沒智力觀察到,於是只有繼續.....   《Lost twenty years》   Composing and Lyrics 762   Arranging and Producing SanWong   Vocal Lonely Li   Backing vocalist Lonely Li 762 SanWong   illustration Electromagnetic gun II   Project planning Underground   What is the concept of twenty years? Twenty years can't be said to be very short, it's not really long. Although you can calm down and remember each piece that you have traveled in the past 20 years, there is nothing in the series, there is no clear starting point, and of course there is no end. Very "lost."   《Lost twenty years》It’s not that there is no progress, no experience, but in the end it’s just a turnaround. People don’t know how to change themselves without knowing it. If they get some, they seem to miss those, not too good, not bad. The mood is the same, there is no exciting heartbeat, but the system continues to sweat and dance. How to get out of the cycle? In fact, the answer may have appeared, but you have no intelligence to observe, so only continue.....