
发行公司:StreetVoice/Chinatown Music
简介:  由澳大利亚、中国、日本三地独立音乐人联合打造,《光年》带你来到遥远的未来之地,见证一场扞卫正义之战拉开序幕。银河的战歌已经奏响,在浩瀚的宇宙中,几位少年正驾着星际战机穿越时空,用生命与勇气为守护地球和平而战。   鲜明的科幻题材总能激发出天马行空的想象,将思绪从实境中抽离,哪怕是片刻。这或许也是对心灵的某种慰藉吧,借由略带未来主义的视角,以超现实的色彩映射出反乌托邦式的情节,为的却是将这一切隔离,好重回向往中的那片净土。   这部音乐作品将具有科幻色彩的歌词搭配正能量的主旋律,以日系摇滚为架构融入动漫曲风。将极具生命力的鼓点注入5弦贝斯的新鲜活力,再采用双声道7弦吉他的编曲手法,右声道吉他以高增益超重低音营造沈重感,左声道吉他则用华丽的高把位双音、八度音奏法、及哑音配合右声道吉他作出互补。在此之上,主唱明亮的人声再加以复杂的多声部和声编排,使音乐的层次感进一步增强。在段落安排上亦动中有静,紧张感随着音乐的不断深入层层递进,直至音乐结束。   听,是银河的战歌。   A collaboration between indie musicians in Australia, China and Japan, Light Year takes you on a journey to a galaxy far far away, where the fight song has started, a group of friends on a starship are banding together in an ultimate battle for peace on Earth.   Science fiction and fantasy give us hope for the future, no matter it’s real or fictional. This is probably because when we construct surreal dystopian storylines from a futurist perspective, all we want is just finding Neverland, even if it’s only in the circus of our curious and naive minds.   Lyrics of science fiction style paired with energetic melody, and accompanied by j-rock arrangement with a touch of the flavor of anime music; lively drums paired with dynamic 5-string bass, and accompanied by two 7-string guitars each playing their own complementary parts; bright lead vocal paired with multiple layers of backing vocal, and accompanied by a structure of different kinds of arrangement. All of these give the recording a distinction and make it shine.   Listen, it’s the fight song of the galaxy.
  由澳大利亚、中国、日本三地独立音乐人联合打造,《光年》带你来到遥远的未来之地,见证一场扞卫正义之战拉开序幕。银河的战歌已经奏响,在浩瀚的宇宙中,几位少年正驾着星际战机穿越时空,用生命与勇气为守护地球和平而战。   鲜明的科幻题材总能激发出天马行空的想象,将思绪从实境中抽离,哪怕是片刻。这或许也是对心灵的某种慰藉吧,借由略带未来主义的视角,以超现实的色彩映射出反乌托邦式的情节,为的却是将这一切隔离,好重回向往中的那片净土。   这部音乐作品将具有科幻色彩的歌词搭配正能量的主旋律,以日系摇滚为架构融入动漫曲风。将极具生命力的鼓点注入5弦贝斯的新鲜活力,再采用双声道7弦吉他的编曲手法,右声道吉他以高增益超重低音营造沈重感,左声道吉他则用华丽的高把位双音、八度音奏法、及哑音配合右声道吉他作出互补。在此之上,主唱明亮的人声再加以复杂的多声部和声编排,使音乐的层次感进一步增强。在段落安排上亦动中有静,紧张感随着音乐的不断深入层层递进,直至音乐结束。   听,是银河的战歌。   A collaboration between indie musicians in Australia, China and Japan, Light Year takes you on a journey to a galaxy far far away, where the fight song has started, a group of friends on a starship are banding together in an ultimate battle for peace on Earth.   Science fiction and fantasy give us hope for the future, no matter it’s real or fictional. This is probably because when we construct surreal dystopian storylines from a futurist perspective, all we want is just finding Neverland, even if it’s only in the circus of our curious and naive minds.   Lyrics of science fiction style paired with energetic melody, and accompanied by j-rock arrangement with a touch of the flavor of anime music; lively drums paired with dynamic 5-string bass, and accompanied by two 7-string guitars each playing their own complementary parts; bright lead vocal paired with multiple layers of backing vocal, and accompanied by a structure of different kinds of arrangement. All of these give the recording a distinction and make it shine.   Listen, it’s the fight song of the galaxy.
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光年 24BIT