家人 x 佳人

简介:  以家庭为核心的单曲集,第一首歌 "心如太阳" 为Dr.詹姆士的父亲作词,詹姆士后谱曲完成,在勉励人不为外境所动的初心如太阳般永恒。第二首歌 "用一生远走" 为Dr.詹姆士向妻子求婚所写的歌曲,传达两人的相爱与准备好用下半辈子携手一起走下去的决心。两首歌曲,原生家庭的精神在前,承先启后与妻共同经营家庭的精神在后,也象征 "家后" 的意味。流行乐界甚少以家庭为核心的歌曲,希望这张EP能让更多人看见与听见 "家" 的重要。   It's all about family. First song: "Mind As The Sun" lyrics wrote by Dr. James' Father, and then composited by Dr. James. The main spirit is that our very beginning mind is just like the sun, so unmovable, and forever, even when we feel upset or when we are affected by the broken world nowadays. The 2nd song: "All My Life With You" is the song wrote by Dr. James, used for proposing to his wife. This song tells that they love each other so much and are preparing to life together for the last-half life. The original family is in the beginning, the first song, and the 2nd family starts thereafter, the 2nd song. Hope we can see more importance about the spirit of family.
  以家庭为核心的单曲集,第一首歌 "心如太阳" 为Dr.詹姆士的父亲作词,詹姆士后谱曲完成,在勉励人不为外境所动的初心如太阳般永恒。第二首歌 "用一生远走" 为Dr.詹姆士向妻子求婚所写的歌曲,传达两人的相爱与准备好用下半辈子携手一起走下去的决心。两首歌曲,原生家庭的精神在前,承先启后与妻共同经营家庭的精神在后,也象征 "家后" 的意味。流行乐界甚少以家庭为核心的歌曲,希望这张EP能让更多人看见与听见 "家" 的重要。   It's all about family. First song: "Mind As The Sun" lyrics wrote by Dr. James' Father, and then composited by Dr. James. The main spirit is that our very beginning mind is just like the sun, so unmovable, and forever, even when we feel upset or when we are affected by the broken world nowadays. The 2nd song: "All My Life With You" is the song wrote by Dr. James, used for proposing to his wife. This song tells that they love each other so much and are preparing to life together for the last-half life. The original family is in the beginning, the first song, and the 2nd family starts thereafter, the 2nd song. Hope we can see more importance about the spirit of family.