
简介:  在洋流魚群之中,在浪潮拍打之際,在候鳥自訂規律的飛行裡,   在遊子的離開和歸返之間,在過客探訪窺視之時,   在遼闊無邊的海水之上,在寬廣無垠的蒼穹之下,   春去冬來,是起點也是終點,   生於斯長於斯,等候葉片落盡紅花石蒜花開時節,謹守與藍色眼淚相會約定,   燈塔引領島嶼土地靜默望著,無聲連結並且緊密相伴著。   當神秘海盜傳說跟現代文明風光夾雜,   背負傳統簡單的美好跟歷史戰爭的迷彩過往混合交融,   越過破曉的黯藍,黑夜終將迎向白晝,迎向充滿光亮,團結同心的未來   Among the ocean current fish, in the wave of the migratory birds, in the flight of migratory birds,   Between the departure and return of the wanderer, when the visitor visits the peep,   Above the vast and boundless sea, under the vast expanse of the sky,   Spring is coming to winter, it is the beginning and the end.   Born in the longevity of Sis, waiting for the leaves to fall through the season of safflower, garlic, and the blue tears agreed.   The lighthouse leads the island's land to look at it silently, silently and closely.   When the mysterious pirate legend is mixed with the modern civilization,   Carrying the traditional simple beauty and the camouflage of the historical war,   Over the dawn of the indigo, the night will finally meet the day, facing the bright, united and concentric future.
  在洋流魚群之中,在浪潮拍打之際,在候鳥自訂規律的飛行裡,   在遊子的離開和歸返之間,在過客探訪窺視之時,   在遼闊無邊的海水之上,在寬廣無垠的蒼穹之下,   春去冬來,是起點也是終點,   生於斯長於斯,等候葉片落盡紅花石蒜花開時節,謹守與藍色眼淚相會約定,   燈塔引領島嶼土地靜默望著,無聲連結並且緊密相伴著。   當神秘海盜傳說跟現代文明風光夾雜,   背負傳統簡單的美好跟歷史戰爭的迷彩過往混合交融,   越過破曉的黯藍,黑夜終將迎向白晝,迎向充滿光亮,團結同心的未來   Among the ocean current fish, in the wave of the migratory birds, in the flight of migratory birds,   Between the departure and return of the wanderer, when the visitor visits the peep,   Above the vast and boundless sea, under the vast expanse of the sky,   Spring is coming to winter, it is the beginning and the end.   Born in the longevity of Sis, waiting for the leaves to fall through the season of safflower, garlic, and the blue tears agreed.   The lighthouse leads the island's land to look at it silently, silently and closely.   When the mysterious pirate legend is mixed with the modern civilization,   Carrying the traditional simple beauty and the camouflage of the historical war,   Over the dawn of the indigo, the night will finally meet the day, facing the bright, united and concentric future.