
简介:  一艘船要航向遠方,如果有風的幫忙,這趟旅程,會順的多。   而我們一生的歲月,就像那艘船,只能不斷往前,無法回頭。   希望有一個信念,甚至是一首歌,不管你榮辱與否、開心或是難過,就像溫柔的風,陪伴你,讓你人生的旅途不孤單。   A ship has to sail far away. If there is wind help, this journey will be much smoother. And the years of our lives, like the ship, can only keep going forward and can't look back. I hope that there is a belief, even a song, whether you are honored or not, happy or sad, like a gentle wind, accompany you, so that your journey of life is not alone.
  一艘船要航向遠方,如果有風的幫忙,這趟旅程,會順的多。   而我們一生的歲月,就像那艘船,只能不斷往前,無法回頭。   希望有一個信念,甚至是一首歌,不管你榮辱與否、開心或是難過,就像溫柔的風,陪伴你,讓你人生的旅途不孤單。   A ship has to sail far away. If there is wind help, this journey will be much smoother. And the years of our lives, like the ship, can only keep going forward and can't look back. I hope that there is a belief, even a song, whether you are honored or not, happy or sad, like a gentle wind, accompany you, so that your journey of life is not alone.