
简介:  起初,我们打算在这张专辑中写一些人和自然界之间的事情。   创作上一张 《Crossings》 时,我们是首先完成若干作品,然后在当中找寻关连性,才得到专辑的主题、名称。这次则有点不同,在创作的初期,就预先为创作定下了课题。我们体察到,人类对于自然界的认知实在很贫乏。在我们漫长的发展历程中,对于宇宙有很长时期的误解,又为了自身利益而对地球作出不能逆转的改变。季节的秩序改变了,更有生物要从本来的栖息地迁离,不复往还。   在创作专辑的过程中,我们同时经历了香港自2019年6月以来发生的一连串社会事件。这些衝击,同样令我们居住的地方经历了不能逆转的改变。当正在写这文案的时候,先有澳洲的山林大火,然后有新型冠状病毒的全球性肆虐。每个收到的消息都足以令我们焦急,但往往来得及反应的时候,现实又已经和我们认知的有所出入。   这和天文望远镜裡面看见的景象有点相似。望远镜反映的没错是真实,但由于光线需要时间才能穿越宇宙中的距离,所以它其实已经是一段时间之前的真实。但在这充斥著荒谬的世界裡,大家对于真实、对于更理想的未来,始终都有一份渴求。所以在多次更改之后,我们决定为专辑冠上 《Telescope》 这个名字。靠著手上所有限而未臻完美的工具,我们为后世把不完美的现状作纪录,并一同勇敢迎接前方的路。   录音于2019年9月至2020年2月之间进行,各成员的情绪,在这段时间内或多或少都受到社会事件影响。跟上张专辑相比,这次四位乐手同时录音的时间不多。大部分的乐曲,都是先由Arnold(钢琴)和Tim(大提琴)同步录音之后,才到负责管乐的KH(箫)和Lawrence(色士风)分别继续。跟上次不同的是,这张专辑裡有较多的短篇作品,亦庆幸每位成员都有参与乐曲的创作,为专辑注入了自己的思维与视角。   We had wanted to write about the things between human and Nature in this album.   In our last album “Crossings”, we completed some of the songs before identifying the connections between them, and came up with an overarching theme. This new album took a different approach – we decided on a particular theme at the beginning of the creative process. We came to be aware that we as people know so little about Nature, and had so many misconceptions about the universe in our long history of development. We made irreversible changes to the Earth for our selfish gains. The order of the seasons has changed, living creatures are forced to leave their original habitat and migrate elsewhere, never to return.   While the album was being produced, we all experienced a series of social upheavals starting in June 2019 in Hong Kong, which also brought irreversible changes to the place where we live. As we started writing these words, massive bushfires erupted in Australia, then came the Coronavirus that has quickly become a global pandemic. Everything we heard was an alarm, but the reality so often changes before we can even respond.   This reality is similar to what we see in a telescope. While its lens does reflect reality, what we see is in fact reality from some time ago, as it takes time for light to travel through astronomical distances. Despite this drawback, we still long for the truth, and hope for a better future amongst a world of absurd reality. Hence we have decided to name the new album “Telescope” after many rounds of revisions. With our limited and inadequate instruments, we still would like to share the imperfect reality with our next generation, as we brave the journey ahead.   This album was recorded between September 2019 and February 2020, when our members cannot help but get emotionally affected by the many events in the city. Unlike when we made our previous album, the four musicians did not spend a lot of time recording together. Arnold (piano) and Tim (cello) together laid down the basic tracks for most songs, then KH (Xiao) and Lawrence (saxophone) added the wind instruments separately. We have more short pieces in this album than the previous one, and we are glad that every member wrote something, and was able to add their share of ideas and vision to this album.
  起初,我们打算在这张专辑中写一些人和自然界之间的事情。   创作上一张 《Crossings》 时,我们是首先完成若干作品,然后在当中找寻关连性,才得到专辑的主题、名称。这次则有点不同,在创作的初期,就预先为创作定下了课题。我们体察到,人类对于自然界的认知实在很贫乏。在我们漫长的发展历程中,对于宇宙有很长时期的误解,又为了自身利益而对地球作出不能逆转的改变。季节的秩序改变了,更有生物要从本来的栖息地迁离,不复往还。   在创作专辑的过程中,我们同时经历了香港自2019年6月以来发生的一连串社会事件。这些衝击,同样令我们居住的地方经历了不能逆转的改变。当正在写这文案的时候,先有澳洲的山林大火,然后有新型冠状病毒的全球性肆虐。每个收到的消息都足以令我们焦急,但往往来得及反应的时候,现实又已经和我们认知的有所出入。   这和天文望远镜裡面看见的景象有点相似。望远镜反映的没错是真实,但由于光线需要时间才能穿越宇宙中的距离,所以它其实已经是一段时间之前的真实。但在这充斥著荒谬的世界裡,大家对于真实、对于更理想的未来,始终都有一份渴求。所以在多次更改之后,我们决定为专辑冠上 《Telescope》 这个名字。靠著手上所有限而未臻完美的工具,我们为后世把不完美的现状作纪录,并一同勇敢迎接前方的路。   录音于2019年9月至2020年2月之间进行,各成员的情绪,在这段时间内或多或少都受到社会事件影响。跟上张专辑相比,这次四位乐手同时录音的时间不多。大部分的乐曲,都是先由Arnold(钢琴)和Tim(大提琴)同步录音之后,才到负责管乐的KH(箫)和Lawrence(色士风)分别继续。跟上次不同的是,这张专辑裡有较多的短篇作品,亦庆幸每位成员都有参与乐曲的创作,为专辑注入了自己的思维与视角。   We had wanted to write about the things between human and Nature in this album.   In our last album “Crossings”, we completed some of the songs before identifying the connections between them, and came up with an overarching theme. This new album took a different approach – we decided on a particular theme at the beginning of the creative process. We came to be aware that we as people know so little about Nature, and had so many misconceptions about the universe in our long history of development. We made irreversible changes to the Earth for our selfish gains. The order of the seasons has changed, living creatures are forced to leave their original habitat and migrate elsewhere, never to return.   While the album was being produced, we all experienced a series of social upheavals starting in June 2019 in Hong Kong, which also brought irreversible changes to the place where we live. As we started writing these words, massive bushfires erupted in Australia, then came the Coronavirus that has quickly become a global pandemic. Everything we heard was an alarm, but the reality so often changes before we can even respond.   This reality is similar to what we see in a telescope. While its lens does reflect reality, what we see is in fact reality from some time ago, as it takes time for light to travel through astronomical distances. Despite this drawback, we still long for the truth, and hope for a better future amongst a world of absurd reality. Hence we have decided to name the new album “Telescope” after many rounds of revisions. With our limited and inadequate instruments, we still would like to share the imperfect reality with our next generation, as we brave the journey ahead.   This album was recorded between September 2019 and February 2020, when our members cannot help but get emotionally affected by the many events in the city. Unlike when we made our previous album, the four musicians did not spend a lot of time recording together. Arnold (piano) and Tim (cello) together laid down the basic tracks for most songs, then KH (Xiao) and Lawrence (saxophone) added the wind instruments separately. We have more short pieces in this album than the previous one, and we are glad that every member wrote something, and was able to add their share of ideas and vision to this album.