
发行公司:Atlantic Records
简介:  来自美国费城的Christina,哥哥Nick Perri曾是美国Post-Grunge乐团Shinedown的原始吉他手。不曾拜师学艺,仅靠着90年代另类摇滚队伍Blind Melon其已故主唱Shannon Hoon的现场演出录像带边看边学,就此打开当时年仅16岁的Christina爱音乐的心!21岁离开家乡移居洛杉矶,不久即步入婚姻之途,同时录制自己的音乐录像带,不过,这场婚约仅维持短暂18个月!2009年底Christina带着一颗破碎的心回到费城,就在这期间写下成名关键「Jar Of Hearts」,描述一段破裂的爱恋,男方在伤口尚未痊愈之际试图挽回,惨遭女方冷酷回绝的真实故事,无太多的缀饰添加物却让人感到痛彻心扉。之后Christina又转至洛杉矶,白天担任咖啡厅女侍赚取生活费,晚上则录制自己的作品,于2010年进入Atlantic唱片公司旗下,率先发行暖身EP“The Ocean Way Sessions”,登上热门潜力榜冠军席次!趁胜追击所推出的首张完整专辑“Lovestrong”,由Christina亲自担纲歌曲创作、钢琴+吉他演奏、合声编写…等大任。伴随美国舞蹈选秀节目“舞魅天下So You Think You Can Dance”亮相后,「Jar Of Hearts」也跟着水涨船高,成为最具疗伤系的主打歌,入榜30周都还在告示牌Top40里头徘徊不去。“Lovestrong”不仅是将Christina片片碎散的心组合起来,更搜集粉丝群提供的真实故事,一切以「爱」为出发点,道尽都会男女的热恋伤痕。      Lovestrong, styled as lovestrong., is the debut album by American singer-songwriter Christina Perri. Following the release of Perri's lead single "Jar of Hearts" and a record deal with Atlantic Records, Lovestrong was released on May 10, 2011.   The album received mixed reviews, with critics praising Perri's honeyed vocals but criticizing her serviceable approach towards melodies and the album's wearying focus on love and heartbreak. Many critics compared Perri's voice to Ingrid Michaelson, Natalie Merchant, and a "depressive" Colbie Caillat.   The lead single from Lovestrong, "Jar of Hearts", was an unexpected success across the United States. After premiering on So You Think You Can Dance, "Jar of Hearts" peaked on the Billboard Hot 100 at #17 and was certified double platinum by the RIAA. The album's second single, "Arms", didn't find as much success on the charts, but was critically acclaimed for its happier tone and music video. Lovestrong also saw multiple promotional singles released onto the iTunes Store: "The Lonely", "Penguin", "Tragedy", and "Bluebird". As of July 2013, the album has sold 426,824 copies in the United States and over a million copies worldwide.
  来自美国费城的Christina,哥哥Nick Perri曾是美国Post-Grunge乐团Shinedown的原始吉他手。不曾拜师学艺,仅靠着90年代另类摇滚队伍Blind Melon其已故主唱Shannon Hoon的现场演出录像带边看边学,就此打开当时年仅16岁的Christina爱音乐的心!21岁离开家乡移居洛杉矶,不久即步入婚姻之途,同时录制自己的音乐录像带,不过,这场婚约仅维持短暂18个月!2009年底Christina带着一颗破碎的心回到费城,就在这期间写下成名关键「Jar Of Hearts」,描述一段破裂的爱恋,男方在伤口尚未痊愈之际试图挽回,惨遭女方冷酷回绝的真实故事,无太多的缀饰添加物却让人感到痛彻心扉。之后Christina又转至洛杉矶,白天担任咖啡厅女侍赚取生活费,晚上则录制自己的作品,于2010年进入Atlantic唱片公司旗下,率先发行暖身EP“The Ocean Way Sessions”,登上热门潜力榜冠军席次!趁胜追击所推出的首张完整专辑“Lovestrong”,由Christina亲自担纲歌曲创作、钢琴+吉他演奏、合声编写…等大任。伴随美国舞蹈选秀节目“舞魅天下So You Think You Can Dance”亮相后,「Jar Of Hearts」也跟着水涨船高,成为最具疗伤系的主打歌,入榜30周都还在告示牌Top40里头徘徊不去。“Lovestrong”不仅是将Christina片片碎散的心组合起来,更搜集粉丝群提供的真实故事,一切以「爱」为出发点,道尽都会男女的热恋伤痕。      Lovestrong, styled as lovestrong., is the debut album by American singer-songwriter Christina Perri. Following the release of Perri's lead single "Jar of Hearts" and a record deal with Atlantic Records, Lovestrong was released on May 10, 2011.   The album received mixed reviews, with critics praising Perri's honeyed vocals but criticizing her serviceable approach towards melodies and the album's wearying focus on love and heartbreak. Many critics compared Perri's voice to Ingrid Michaelson, Natalie Merchant, and a "depressive" Colbie Caillat.   The lead single from Lovestrong, "Jar of Hearts", was an unexpected success across the United States. After premiering on So You Think You Can Dance, "Jar of Hearts" peaked on the Billboard Hot 100 at #17 and was certified double platinum by the RIAA. The album's second single, "Arms", didn't find as much success on the charts, but was critically acclaimed for its happier tone and music video. Lovestrong also saw multiple promotional singles released onto the iTunes Store: "The Lonely", "Penguin", "Tragedy", and "Bluebird". As of July 2013, the album has sold 426,824 copies in the United States and over a million copies worldwide.