
简介:  音乐创作人林已翔在读了《在极美的五月里──海涅诗集》后深受感动,   边读着诗集,拿起吉他就很自然的唱出了这些诗歌,   也就这样谱出了许多动人的歌曲,   在他的演绎中,   让更多不曾听过海涅的人认识这位两百多年前的抒情诗人。   海涅的诗歌,极富音乐性,   根据他的诗所谱出的歌曲数以千计,   读海涅的诗,彷佛享受一曲清音在心里流过,   平易近人,自然流畅,充满温柔的情感。   美,可以不同形式抚慰你我的心,   或许是文字,或许是音符,   或许是空中的星星,或许是恋人的面庞。   The Taiwanese songwriter I-Siang Lin, inspired by the selected poems from “Extreme Beauty in May” written by the 19th Century German poet Christian Johann Heinrich Heine, picked up his guitar and started to sing. Thus many lovely songs were produced. The following songs were created in this fashion and will hopefully introduce more people to learn of the timelessness and relevance of the words of this romantic poet who lived 200 years ago.   Heine’s expressions are extremely musical. Thousands of songs were written according to his poems. Reading Heine's poetry seems to enjoy a clean sound flowing through the heart, which is approachable, natural and smooth, full of tender emotions.   Beauty comforts our souls in many different forms. Maybe by words or musical notes; maybe by the stars in the sky or maybe by the face of a lover.
  音乐创作人林已翔在读了《在极美的五月里──海涅诗集》后深受感动,   边读着诗集,拿起吉他就很自然的唱出了这些诗歌,   也就这样谱出了许多动人的歌曲,   在他的演绎中,   让更多不曾听过海涅的人认识这位两百多年前的抒情诗人。   海涅的诗歌,极富音乐性,   根据他的诗所谱出的歌曲数以千计,   读海涅的诗,彷佛享受一曲清音在心里流过,   平易近人,自然流畅,充满温柔的情感。   美,可以不同形式抚慰你我的心,   或许是文字,或许是音符,   或许是空中的星星,或许是恋人的面庞。   The Taiwanese songwriter I-Siang Lin, inspired by the selected poems from “Extreme Beauty in May” written by the 19th Century German poet Christian Johann Heinrich Heine, picked up his guitar and started to sing. Thus many lovely songs were produced. The following songs were created in this fashion and will hopefully introduce more people to learn of the timelessness and relevance of the words of this romantic poet who lived 200 years ago.   Heine’s expressions are extremely musical. Thousands of songs were written according to his poems. Reading Heine's poetry seems to enjoy a clean sound flowing through the heart, which is approachable, natural and smooth, full of tender emotions.   Beauty comforts our souls in many different forms. Maybe by words or musical notes; maybe by the stars in the sky or maybe by the face of a lover.