
简介:  一颗时时刻刻渴望的心,记忆像线穿过她心脏的皮肤,时间缝合溃烂,长出疤痕,美丽的花纹。当下飞驰而过,为未来种一朵玫瑰,彩虹浮现,知觉常开,感受着炙热的冷漠爱的颤抖悲喜交织。这是她新一阶段的探索的产物,以声音旋律呈现,可听可感,风格依旧抛掷脑后,以人声串联整张专辑以独一无二不设限不靠近的编曲氛围构建欲望与欲望克制的私人世界,向内继续发问观察笃定,向外构建人与人的张力,亲密关系,学习去爱。   “不正确就是我的正确,不聪明就是我的聪明,不美丽就是我的美丽,乌云镶着金边,黑色抖落星辰。”   “这个人由错误构成,这个人由混乱构成,这个人由暧昧构成,不清不楚,她是如此这般不清不楚地看了你看了你一眼。”   此时她的目光望向了你这一边。   制作人:祁紫檀 封面摄影:小泽zee 封面设计:恰恰 祁紫檀   A heart,always desired and vehement. Memory is like the needlework going through the skin of her heart, time sews the wound,the scar grows, decorative pattern of a heart.   The moment is passing,plant a rose for the future, rainbows will be appearing. She tries to keep felling the world and herself,the album is her exploration of the new stage, the style is still not defined, her voice connect the whole story,she arrange her own songs to build a unique private world of desire,more and more determined inside,and learn low to love people outside.   Producer: Zitan Qi Photographer:Zee Designer:Cha Cha Chen,ZitanQi
  一颗时时刻刻渴望的心,记忆像线穿过她心脏的皮肤,时间缝合溃烂,长出疤痕,美丽的花纹。当下飞驰而过,为未来种一朵玫瑰,彩虹浮现,知觉常开,感受着炙热的冷漠爱的颤抖悲喜交织。这是她新一阶段的探索的产物,以声音旋律呈现,可听可感,风格依旧抛掷脑后,以人声串联整张专辑以独一无二不设限不靠近的编曲氛围构建欲望与欲望克制的私人世界,向内继续发问观察笃定,向外构建人与人的张力,亲密关系,学习去爱。   “不正确就是我的正确,不聪明就是我的聪明,不美丽就是我的美丽,乌云镶着金边,黑色抖落星辰。”   “这个人由错误构成,这个人由混乱构成,这个人由暧昧构成,不清不楚,她是如此这般不清不楚地看了你看了你一眼。”   此时她的目光望向了你这一边。   制作人:祁紫檀 封面摄影:小泽zee 封面设计:恰恰 祁紫檀   A heart,always desired and vehement. Memory is like the needlework going through the skin of her heart, time sews the wound,the scar grows, decorative pattern of a heart.   The moment is passing,plant a rose for the future, rainbows will be appearing. She tries to keep felling the world and herself,the album is her exploration of the new stage, the style is still not defined, her voice connect the whole story,she arrange her own songs to build a unique private world of desire,more and more determined inside,and learn low to love people outside.   Producer: Zitan Qi Photographer:Zee Designer:Cha Cha Chen,ZitanQi