
简介:  寂静的夜,总是让人有种舍不得的氛围。舍不得放弃席卷而来的思念,舍不得抛下曾经美好的过往,舍不得割舍不复存在的画面。最舍不得的,当然是......已不再属于我的你。   回忆霸占了辗转难眠的夜晚,泪水沾湿了空洞无神的脸庞。墙上的指针一分一秒地向前转动,你却未曾随之一点一滴地流逝。倘若时间能倒转的话,我绝对拚尽全力守护你,不让你有一丝一毫的委屈。   〈睡不着的黑眼圈〉以简单的木吉他编曲方式,搭配不矫揉造作的纯净歌声,用最单纯又自然的方式,娓娓说出深藏于心的纠结感受。   离开后才懂得珍惜的痛,失去后才知道懊悔的苦,都只能以黑眼圈对这些无法重新来过的日子表达最深切的悼念。   There are many reasons for suffering from insomnia. When you recall someone who ever occupied your mind at midnight, you might be wide awake all night. The shared memory is too precious to forget.   "Sleepless" describes someone's inner torn and dilemma because of recalling the memory. After tossing and turning all night, the dark circles will be under his/her eyes. It's a symbol of regret. However, those were days, and we should move on.
  寂静的夜,总是让人有种舍不得的氛围。舍不得放弃席卷而来的思念,舍不得抛下曾经美好的过往,舍不得割舍不复存在的画面。最舍不得的,当然是......已不再属于我的你。   回忆霸占了辗转难眠的夜晚,泪水沾湿了空洞无神的脸庞。墙上的指针一分一秒地向前转动,你却未曾随之一点一滴地流逝。倘若时间能倒转的话,我绝对拚尽全力守护你,不让你有一丝一毫的委屈。   〈睡不着的黑眼圈〉以简单的木吉他编曲方式,搭配不矫揉造作的纯净歌声,用最单纯又自然的方式,娓娓说出深藏于心的纠结感受。   离开后才懂得珍惜的痛,失去后才知道懊悔的苦,都只能以黑眼圈对这些无法重新来过的日子表达最深切的悼念。   There are many reasons for suffering from insomnia. When you recall someone who ever occupied your mind at midnight, you might be wide awake all night. The shared memory is too precious to forget.   "Sleepless" describes someone's inner torn and dilemma because of recalling the memory. After tossing and turning all night, the dark circles will be under his/her eyes. It's a symbol of regret. However, those were days, and we should move on.