A are a British alternative rock band from Suffolk, England, that formed in 1993. They have released four albums, and two live mini-albums.   Shortly after releasing their fourth album, Teen Dance Ordinance in 2005, the band took a hiatus. In 2007 'A' reunited for a one-off gig, and have been touring sporadically ever since, most recently with Bowling for Soup, on their October 2010 UK tour.   流行庞克、放克精英队伍A自97年推出《How Ace Are Buildings》,《Monkey Kong》专辑以来,就不断地爆出强悍、直率、自信的摇滚能量,足迹唱遍Reading、Glastonbury、Warped Tour英美各大音乐祭,跟Sex Pistols、Ash、Feeder、Offspring、Silverchair、Bloodhound Gang、Faith No More同台飙轧。老被当成加州摇滚团的A随着Linkin Park、Blink 182、Papa Roach等美式摇滚新世代炮火猛击家乡,多年来被视为英国摇滚乐界最佳秘密武器的A队终于受到乐坛的瞩目。
  A are a British alternative rock band from Suffolk, England, that formed in 1993. They have released four albums, and two live mini-albums.   Shortly after releasing their fourth album, Teen Dance Ordinance in 2005, the band took a hiatus. In 2007 'A' reunited for a one-off gig, and have been touring sporadically ever since, most recently with Bowling for Soup, on their October 2010 UK tour.   流行庞克、放克精英队伍A自97年推出《How Ace Are Buildings》,《Monkey Kong》专辑以来,就不断地爆出强悍、直率、自信的摇滚能量,足迹唱遍Reading、Glastonbury、Warped Tour英美各大音乐祭,跟Sex Pistols、Ash、Feeder、Offspring、Silverchair、Bloodhound Gang、Faith No More同台飙轧。老被当成加州摇滚团的A随着Linkin Park、Blink 182、Papa Roach等美式摇滚新世代炮火猛击家乡,多年来被视为英国摇滚乐界最佳秘密武器的A队终于受到乐坛的瞩目。
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