The Parakit is an electro project consisting of Timo, a 20 year-old blue haired French DJ and his brothers, who are producers from "Les Lilas", a small village of indomitable artists, located in the suburb of Paris.   Their Avatar is a crazy parakeet, who comes from a planet where birds SkateBoard ... and make music !   Their music is a combination of Melodic House, 90's synth music and folk vocals. You can hear these influences in their debut single "SAVE ME" featuring Alden Jacob.   At the Amsterdam Dance Event in October 2015, their debut track "SAVE ME" aroused great curiosity from many European labels.   But it was in Russia, thousand miles from Paris, where The Parakit story started...   Released late February 2016 on Effective Records, a Russian independent label, the track became, in less than a month, number one on radio and soared to the top of the charts (# 4 iTunes and #4 Shazam)   Timothée and his funny birds, now supported by WARNER MUSIC, were finally ready to land in Europe, becoming in 2016 the 65th most shazamed track in the world !
  The Parakit is an electro project consisting of Timo, a 20 year-old blue haired French DJ and his brothers, who are producers from "Les Lilas", a small village of indomitable artists, located in the suburb of Paris.   Their Avatar is a crazy parakeet, who comes from a planet where birds SkateBoard ... and make music !   Their music is a combination of Melodic House, 90's synth music and folk vocals. You can hear these influences in their debut single "SAVE ME" featuring Alden Jacob.   At the Amsterdam Dance Event in October 2015, their debut track "SAVE ME" aroused great curiosity from many European labels.   But it was in Russia, thousand miles from Paris, where The Parakit story started...   Released late February 2016 on Effective Records, a Russian independent label, the track became, in less than a month, number one on radio and soared to the top of the charts (# 4 iTunes and #4 Shazam)   Timothée and his funny birds, now supported by WARNER MUSIC, were finally ready to land in Europe, becoming in 2016 the 65th most shazamed track in the world !
The Parakit
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