「海岛小轮」于2016年初组成,以「新派室乐」作自我定位。独特的乐器组合包括钢琴、洞箫、大提琴和色士风。   「海岛小轮」演奏的既包括原创也包括经典作品,重视加入即兴演奏的元素,更强调音乐上的留白。也许是因为成员身处在香港这个多元文化之地,所以才有机缘孕育出这个涵盖中西乐器的组合,透过发掘城市中的题材创作他们的音乐作品。   2017秋季,「海岛小轮」进行网上集资,筹备与首张专辑《Crossings》相关的多媒体音乐会「《渡》音乐X影像航行」,将现场音乐与短篇电影融合。2018年1月,专辑率先于网上平台发表。多媒体演出则于同年4月14-15日于石硖尾赛马会创意艺术中心举行,观众反应热烈,两场演出全部门票售罄。专辑《Crossings》的实体唱片亦于表演当日推出。   自2018年底,「海岛小轮」开始进行海外演出,于台北、台中、台南等地进行巡演。2019年更参与冲绳举行的Sakurazaka ASYLUM 音乐节,并前往澳门演出。     「海岛小轮」将于2020年5月推出全新专辑《Telescope》。除了可在数位平台及CD收听外,亦会首次以传统唱片形式发表。   「海岛小轮」成员   Arnold Fang(钢琴)   Kayne Ho(洞箫)   Lawrence Man(色士风)   Tim Tong(大提琴)   Formed in 2016 with an eclectic mix of instruments, Sea Island & Ferry is a "neo-chamber ensemble" from Hong Kong. Featuring both originals and covers in their repertoire, Sea Island & Ferry puts emphasis on improvisational elements as well as breathing space in their music. The location of its members in the culturally diverse city of Hong Kong has enabled the group to have this unique combination of instruments, and to come across the very themes that inspired their work.   The group released its first album Crossings in January 2018, and held its first crowdfunded multi-media performance in April, titled Crossings - Music X Films presented by Sea Island & Ferry. Both shows were sold out and warmly received by the audience.   Starting at the end of 2018, Sea Island & Ferry started venturing out of Hong Kong, first with their Taiwan tour in Taipei, Taichung and Tainan The group played in the Sakurazaka Asylum festival in Okinawa, as well as Macau in 2019.   Sea Island & Ferry will release a new album titled Telescope in May 2020. The album will be available on streaming, CD, and vinyl for the first time.     Sea Island & Ferry are:   Arnold Fang on Piano   Kayne Ho on Xiao   Lawrence Man on Saxophone   Tim Tong on Cello
  「海岛小轮」于2016年初组成,以「新派室乐」作自我定位。独特的乐器组合包括钢琴、洞箫、大提琴和色士风。   「海岛小轮」演奏的既包括原创也包括经典作品,重视加入即兴演奏的元素,更强调音乐上的留白。也许是因为成员身处在香港这个多元文化之地,所以才有机缘孕育出这个涵盖中西乐器的组合,透过发掘城市中的题材创作他们的音乐作品。   2017秋季,「海岛小轮」进行网上集资,筹备与首张专辑《Crossings》相关的多媒体音乐会「《渡》音乐X影像航行」,将现场音乐与短篇电影融合。2018年1月,专辑率先于网上平台发表。多媒体演出则于同年4月14-15日于石硖尾赛马会创意艺术中心举行,观众反应热烈,两场演出全部门票售罄。专辑《Crossings》的实体唱片亦于表演当日推出。   自2018年底,「海岛小轮」开始进行海外演出,于台北、台中、台南等地进行巡演。2019年更参与冲绳举行的Sakurazaka ASYLUM 音乐节,并前往澳门演出。     「海岛小轮」将于2020年5月推出全新专辑《Telescope》。除了可在数位平台及CD收听外,亦会首次以传统唱片形式发表。   「海岛小轮」成员   Arnold Fang(钢琴)   Kayne Ho(洞箫)   Lawrence Man(色士风)   Tim Tong(大提琴)   Formed in 2016 with an eclectic mix of instruments, Sea Island & Ferry is a "neo-chamber ensemble" from Hong Kong. Featuring both originals and covers in their repertoire, Sea Island & Ferry puts emphasis on improvisational elements as well as breathing space in their music. The location of its members in the culturally diverse city of Hong Kong has enabled the group to have this unique combination of instruments, and to come across the very themes that inspired their work.   The group released its first album Crossings in January 2018, and held its first crowdfunded multi-media performance in April, titled Crossings - Music X Films presented by Sea Island & Ferry. Both shows were sold out and warmly received by the audience.   Starting at the end of 2018, Sea Island & Ferry started venturing out of Hong Kong, first with their Taiwan tour in Taipei, Taichung and Tainan The group played in the Sakurazaka Asylum festival in Okinawa, as well as Macau in 2019.   Sea Island & Ferry will release a new album titled Telescope in May 2020. The album will be available on streaming, CD, and vinyl for the first time.     Sea Island & Ferry are:   Arnold Fang on Piano   Kayne Ho on Xiao   Lawrence Man on Saxophone   Tim Tong on Cello