Tokio Hotel 来自马格德堡。乐队成员有:21岁的双胞胎比尔 (Bill Kaulitz,主唱) 与汤姆 (Tom Kaulitz,吉他手),22岁的古斯塔夫(Gustav Wolfgang Scher,鼓手) 和23岁的乔治 (Georg Hagen Listing,贝司手)。Tokio Hotel是风靡欧美的德国摇滚乐队。主音和吉他手是一对双胞胎。出道单曲Durch den Monsun曾经位居德国排行榜第1名。07年发行的《zimmer 483》及08年发行的英文专辑《scream》(《room 483》),彻底打开欧洲市场,Durch den Monson的英文版Monsoon一如其名,如季风一般席卷整个欧洲,而演绎MONSOON的不再是童音,是变声期结束后BILL独特的性感音色.TH,真真正正成为了在欧洲美洲也家喻户晓的德国乐队。    Tokio Hotel (东京旅馆) 是德国著名摇滚乐队。Tokio Hotel 的主音和吉他手是1989年出生的一对双胞胎比尔 (Bill Kaulitz,主唱,报友都爱称他为"小鳖") 与汤姆 (Tom Kaulitz,吉他手)。Tokio Hotel 的第一首单曲《Durch den Monson》(穿越季风)一经发布,震惊整个德国乃至欧美唱片业,在德国音乐排行榜上蝉联冠军35个星期。第一张专辑《Schrei》(尖叫)在德国专辑销售排行榜上26个月。当年他们年仅15岁。"东京酒店"乐队 (Tokio Hotel) 05年出道,目前为止已经存在6年左右了。05年9月19日,Tokio Hotel 发行了第一张专集,到目前为止这支年轻的乐队不仅已经拿到多个德国音乐大奖,成为一线乐队,更成为法国青年最爱的乐队之一。 提起德国摇滚乐队 Tokio Hotel ,在法国年轻人当中几乎无人不晓。Tokio Hotel的热门歌曲《穿过季风》(Durch den Monsun) 和《喊》(Schrei) 在法国被广为传唱。Tokio Hotel被称为德国文化在法国的代言人,并引发了法国青少年学习德语的狂潮。   okio Hotel 来自马格德堡。乐队成员有:21岁的双胞胎比尔 (Bill Kaulitz,主唱) 与汤姆 (Tom Kaulitz,吉他手),22岁的古斯塔夫(Gustav Wolfgang Scher,鼓手) 和23岁的乔治 (Georg Hagen Listing,贝司手)。   在法国,Tokio Hotel 的唱片销量达50万张,DVD狂销80万张。13~17岁的法国少年,更是以争相模仿Tokio Hotel的穿着和传唱他们的歌曲为荣。Tokio Hotel 在法国的巡演门票两天内就销售一空。在法国,如此狂热的现象自甲壳虫乐队后从未有过。   法国人一向认为德语刻板枯燥,非常难学。据法国德语培训班的老师说,如今。Tokio Hotel 的歌迷们在假日争相参加短期的德语培训班。他们还带着字典去听Tokio Hotel的演唱会。尽管歌迷们的语法和词汇水平都有待提高,但有一点是肯定的,那就是德语从没这么受欢迎过。   观看Tokio Hotel演唱会的法国歌迷有85%是女孩,年纪为8~16岁之间。为了第二天能占到一个好位置,年纪稍大的歌迷在演出前一天就搭起了帐篷在演出场外露营。年轻的歌迷们简直就是去朝圣。   Tokio Hotel迅速走红甚至引起了社会学家的兴趣,还出版了一本专门有关他们的学术著作"东京旅馆海啸"。书中分析到,这支年轻的乐队之所以迅速走红,是因为Tokio Hotel 包含了多元化的流行因素。他们身上所反映出的符号,几乎来源于各类青年群体。主唱比尔 (Bill Kaulitz) 女性化却又帅气无比的造型对女孩子很有亲和力。他的衣着和化妆有明显的日本风格,又融合了哥特和硬摇滚的元素。汤姆 (Tom Kaulitz) 的发辫和肥大牛仔裤又吸引了一部分嘻哈歌迷。   法国少年杂志"明星俱乐部"的主编费得瑞斯 (Jean-Christophe Federici) 说 :Tokio Hotel 的歌曲是年轻人之间通过他们自己的语言所进行的对话。她每天都会收到200封Tokio Hotel歌迷的来信,他的杂志也从Tokio Hotel的巨大成功中获益匪浅,杂志销量有了明显增长。   法国针对少年歌迷的乐队比较少,有的太高深、有的太愤世嫉俗,这些都是这些十几岁的少年无法理解的。Tokio Hotel 的横空出世恰好填补了这一空缺。歌德的《少年维特之烦恼》带给法国的震撼已经远去,而新一代的德国潮从未停息。   Tokio Hotel is a German rock band, founded in 2001 by singer Bill Kaulitz, guitarist Tom Kaulitz, drummer Gustav Schäfer, and bassist Georg Listing.The quartet have scored four number one singles for now and have released three number one albums in their native country. The band sold more than 10 million CDs worldwide.After recording an unreleased demo-CD under the name "Devilish" and having their contract with Sony BMG Germany terminated, the band released their first German-language album, Schrei, as Tokio Hotel on Universal Music Germany in 2005. Schrei sold more than half a million copies worldwide and spawned four top five singles in both Germany and Austria.   In 2007, the band released their second German album Zimmer 483 and their first English album Scream which have combined album sales of over 2.5 million copies worldwide and helped win the band their first MTV Europe Music Award for Best InterAct. The former, Zimmer 483, spawned three top five singles in Germany while the latter, Scream, spawned two singles that reached the top twenty in new territories such as France, Portugal, Spain and Italy. In September 2008, they won in the US their first MTV Video Music Award (VMA) for Best New Artist. In October 2008, they won four awards including Best International Artist and Song of the year at Los Premios MTV Latinoamérica (MTV Video Music Awards Latin America) held in Mexico. Tokio Hotel became the first German band ever to win an award at the MTV VMAs and also at the MTV Latin America Awards. They also picked up the Headliner award at the MTV Europe Music Awards 2008 held in Liverpool on November 6, 2008 and the Award for Best Group on November 5, 2009 at the MTV Europe Music Award (EMA) held in Berlin. They won an Award for Best World Stage Performance on November 7, 2010 at the MTV Europe Music Awards in Madrid. In July 2011, they became the first German band to win an MTV Video Music Awards Japan (VMAJ). They also won MTV's 2012 Musical March Madness and in 2013, they won the MTV O Music Awards four times in a row for "Fan Army FTW" and the MTV Europe Music Awards for being amazing "Biggest Fans". Their fifth studio album titled Kings of Suburbia was released in Germany on October 3, 2014 and worldwide on October 6. Their new world tour "Feel It All World Tour 2015" started in March 2015.
  Tokio Hotel 来自马格德堡。乐队成员有:21岁的双胞胎比尔 (Bill Kaulitz,主唱) 与汤姆 (Tom Kaulitz,吉他手),22岁的古斯塔夫(Gustav Wolfgang Scher,鼓手) 和23岁的乔治 (Georg Hagen Listing,贝司手)。Tokio Hotel是风靡欧美的德国摇滚乐队。主音和吉他手是一对双胞胎。出道单曲Durch den Monsun曾经位居德国排行榜第1名。07年发行的《zimmer 483》及08年发行的英文专辑《scream》(《room 483》),彻底打开欧洲市场,Durch den Monson的英文版Monsoon一如其名,如季风一般席卷整个欧洲,而演绎MONSOON的不再是童音,是变声期结束后BILL独特的性感音色.TH,真真正正成为了在欧洲美洲也家喻户晓的德国乐队。    Tokio Hotel (东京旅馆) 是德国著名摇滚乐队。Tokio Hotel 的主音和吉他手是1989年出生的一对双胞胎比尔 (Bill Kaulitz,主唱,报友都爱称他为"小鳖") 与汤姆 (Tom Kaulitz,吉他手)。Tokio Hotel 的第一首单曲《Durch den Monson》(穿越季风)一经发布,震惊整个德国乃至欧美唱片业,在德国音乐排行榜上蝉联冠军35个星期。第一张专辑《Schrei》(尖叫)在德国专辑销售排行榜上26个月。当年他们年仅15岁。"东京酒店"乐队 (Tokio Hotel) 05年出道,目前为止已经存在6年左右了。05年9月19日,Tokio Hotel 发行了第一张专集,到目前为止这支年轻的乐队不仅已经拿到多个德国音乐大奖,成为一线乐队,更成为法国青年最爱的乐队之一。 提起德国摇滚乐队 Tokio Hotel ,在法国年轻人当中几乎无人不晓。Tokio Hotel的热门歌曲《穿过季风》(Durch den Monsun) 和《喊》(Schrei) 在法国被广为传唱。Tokio Hotel被称为德国文化在法国的代言人,并引发了法国青少年学习德语的狂潮。   okio Hotel 来自马格德堡。乐队成员有:21岁的双胞胎比尔 (Bill Kaulitz,主唱) 与汤姆 (Tom Kaulitz,吉他手),22岁的古斯塔夫(Gustav Wolfgang Scher,鼓手) 和23岁的乔治 (Georg Hagen Listing,贝司手)。   在法国,Tokio Hotel 的唱片销量达50万张,DVD狂销80万张。13~17岁的法国少年,更是以争相模仿Tokio Hotel的穿着和传唱他们的歌曲为荣。Tokio Hotel 在法国的巡演门票两天内就销售一空。在法国,如此狂热的现象自甲壳虫乐队后从未有过。   法国人一向认为德语刻板枯燥,非常难学。据法国德语培训班的老师说,如今。Tokio Hotel 的歌迷们在假日争相参加短期的德语培训班。他们还带着字典去听Tokio Hotel的演唱会。尽管歌迷们的语法和词汇水平都有待提高,但有一点是肯定的,那就是德语从没这么受欢迎过。   观看Tokio Hotel演唱会的法国歌迷有85%是女孩,年纪为8~16岁之间。为了第二天能占到一个好位置,年纪稍大的歌迷在演出前一天就搭起了帐篷在演出场外露营。年轻的歌迷们简直就是去朝圣。   Tokio Hotel迅速走红甚至引起了社会学家的兴趣,还出版了一本专门有关他们的学术著作"东京旅馆海啸"。书中分析到,这支年轻的乐队之所以迅速走红,是因为Tokio Hotel 包含了多元化的流行因素。他们身上所反映出的符号,几乎来源于各类青年群体。主唱比尔 (Bill Kaulitz) 女性化却又帅气无比的造型对女孩子很有亲和力。他的衣着和化妆有明显的日本风格,又融合了哥特和硬摇滚的元素。汤姆 (Tom Kaulitz) 的发辫和肥大牛仔裤又吸引了一部分嘻哈歌迷。   法国少年杂志"明星俱乐部"的主编费得瑞斯 (Jean-Christophe Federici) 说 :Tokio Hotel 的歌曲是年轻人之间通过他们自己的语言所进行的对话。她每天都会收到200封Tokio Hotel歌迷的来信,他的杂志也从Tokio Hotel的巨大成功中获益匪浅,杂志销量有了明显增长。   法国针对少年歌迷的乐队比较少,有的太高深、有的太愤世嫉俗,这些都是这些十几岁的少年无法理解的。Tokio Hotel 的横空出世恰好填补了这一空缺。歌德的《少年维特之烦恼》带给法国的震撼已经远去,而新一代的德国潮从未停息。   Tokio Hotel is a German rock band, founded in 2001 by singer Bill Kaulitz, guitarist Tom Kaulitz, drummer Gustav Schäfer, and bassist Georg Listing.The quartet have scored four number one singles for now and have released three number one albums in their native country. The band sold more than 10 million CDs worldwide.After recording an unreleased demo-CD under the name "Devilish" and having their contract with Sony BMG Germany terminated, the band released their first German-language album, Schrei, as Tokio Hotel on Universal Music Germany in 2005. Schrei sold more than half a million copies worldwide and spawned four top five singles in both Germany and Austria.   In 2007, the band released their second German album Zimmer 483 and their first English album Scream which have combined album sales of over 2.5 million copies worldwide and helped win the band their first MTV Europe Music Award for Best InterAct. The former, Zimmer 483, spawned three top five singles in Germany while the latter, Scream, spawned two singles that reached the top twenty in new territories such as France, Portugal, Spain and Italy. In September 2008, they won in the US their first MTV Video Music Award (VMA) for Best New Artist. In October 2008, they won four awards including Best International Artist and Song of the year at Los Premios MTV Latinoamérica (MTV Video Music Awards Latin America) held in Mexico. Tokio Hotel became the first German band ever to win an award at the MTV VMAs and also at the MTV Latin America Awards. They also picked up the Headliner award at the MTV Europe Music Awards 2008 held in Liverpool on November 6, 2008 and the Award for Best Group on November 5, 2009 at the MTV Europe Music Award (EMA) held in Berlin. They won an Award for Best World Stage Performance on November 7, 2010 at the MTV Europe Music Awards in Madrid. In July 2011, they became the first German band to win an MTV Video Music Awards Japan (VMAJ). They also won MTV's 2012 Musical March Madness and in 2013, they won the MTV O Music Awards four times in a row for "Fan Army FTW" and the MTV Europe Music Awards for being amazing "Biggest Fans". Their fifth studio album titled Kings of Suburbia was released in Germany on October 3, 2014 and worldwide on October 6. Their new world tour "Feel It All World Tour 2015" started in March 2015.
Tokio Hotel
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