Alone with Three Giants

简介:  by Scott Yanow This set of unaccompanied piano solos features Marcus Roberts interpreting three Jelly Roll Morton, six Duke Ellington and six Thelonious Monk songs.Morton gets a bit shortchanged, with "Jungle Blues," "New Orleans Blues" and "The Crave" emphasizing the Spanish tinge in his music, but only certain aspects of his style. However, Roberts has Ellington (best is "Shout 'Em Aunt Tillie") and Monk(mostly lesser-known songs) down quite well.
  by Scott Yanow This set of unaccompanied piano solos features Marcus Roberts interpreting three Jelly Roll Morton, six Duke Ellington and six Thelonious Monk songs.Morton gets a bit shortchanged, with "Jungle Blues," "New Orleans Blues" and "The Crave" emphasizing the Spanish tinge in his music, but only certain aspects of his style. However, Roberts has Ellington (best is "Shout 'Em Aunt Tillie") and Monk(mostly lesser-known songs) down quite well.