Portrait Gallery

简介:  THIS IS MY FAVORITE Harry Chapin Album. Way back when, I had all of his LP´s and I wore them all out. ~ I know all the stories by heart. ~ At first glance, I thought I would choose the boxed set, but, alas, it did not include "Sandy," his shameless love song written to his beautiful wife, Sandy Chapin. ~ Along with "Tangled Up Puppet" and "Dreams Go By," this album illustrates to me Harry the Family Man, the REAL Harry. ~ Harry was my Hero and "my first" Sensitve Man. I was blessed to see Harry twice in concert. I waited in line afterward both times while he signed endless autographs, and promoted his passion to "End World Hunger." ~ Many years later, I now have my own Sensitive Man and our two beautiful children who inspire me, along with Harry, to strive to make THIS world "A Better Place to Be."
  THIS IS MY FAVORITE Harry Chapin Album. Way back when, I had all of his LP´s and I wore them all out. ~ I know all the stories by heart. ~ At first glance, I thought I would choose the boxed set, but, alas, it did not include "Sandy," his shameless love song written to his beautiful wife, Sandy Chapin. ~ Along with "Tangled Up Puppet" and "Dreams Go By," this album illustrates to me Harry the Family Man, the REAL Harry. ~ Harry was my Hero and "my first" Sensitve Man. I was blessed to see Harry twice in concert. I waited in line afterward both times while he signed endless autographs, and promoted his passion to "End World Hunger." ~ Many years later, I now have my own Sensitive Man and our two beautiful children who inspire me, along with Harry, to strive to make THIS world "A Better Place to Be."