The Invisible Band

简介:  毫无疑问他们是顶着The Man Who成功的巨大压力在做这一张专辑的.很休闲的他们却不会被这种压力打败.他们总是可以将节奏拿捏得很好,天性使然.The Invisible Band是很干净的一张专辑,听上去让我感到像流水一般纯净.吉他更显眼,例如Side, Flowers In The Window, Follow The Light和Afterglow.旋律化和流行化的The Invisible Band是对自我的超越.如果说The Man Who的意义重大的话,那么这一张则更像是音乐的表现.Fran总是用讲故事般的亲切语气在歌唱,又有让人心疼的声音.整张专辑都很好听,不亚于The Man Who,而Travis的悄悄变化也让人们看到了他们的成熟.    The Invisible Band is the third studio album from Scottish indie pop band Travis. The album was released on June 11, 2001. The title of the album makes reference to the band's feelings regarding 'music being more important than the band making it'. Band frontman Fran Healy stated in an interview that the album's title referred to the band's status in 'having famous songs, but not being famous themselves'. The album spent four weeks at the top of the UK Albums Chart, selling more copies in that time than The Man Who managed in half a year.
  毫无疑问他们是顶着The Man Who成功的巨大压力在做这一张专辑的.很休闲的他们却不会被这种压力打败.他们总是可以将节奏拿捏得很好,天性使然.The Invisible Band是很干净的一张专辑,听上去让我感到像流水一般纯净.吉他更显眼,例如Side, Flowers In The Window, Follow The Light和Afterglow.旋律化和流行化的The Invisible Band是对自我的超越.如果说The Man Who的意义重大的话,那么这一张则更像是音乐的表现.Fran总是用讲故事般的亲切语气在歌唱,又有让人心疼的声音.整张专辑都很好听,不亚于The Man Who,而Travis的悄悄变化也让人们看到了他们的成熟.    The Invisible Band is the third studio album from Scottish indie pop band Travis. The album was released on June 11, 2001. The title of the album makes reference to the band's feelings regarding 'music being more important than the band making it'. Band frontman Fran Healy stated in an interview that the album's title referred to the band's status in 'having famous songs, but not being famous themselves'. The album spent four weeks at the top of the UK Albums Chart, selling more copies in that time than The Man Who managed in half a year.