
简介:  风中奇缘,68届奥斯卡最佳音乐/喜剧片配乐奖、最佳歌曲奖。     原版迪士尼最优美的动画经典巨作"风中奇缘"大胆地将一段充满勇气和友谊的传奇历险,融入新时代的背景中:现在,它将进驻您全家心灵!在勇敢的上尉庄迈斯率领下,一批来自英国拓荒者到达了美洲大陆,敲响了美丽的印第安公主宝嘉康蒂和她族人们的警钟,也开始了一个建立在欢笑爱和忠诚上的故事。可爱的浣熊米糕和小蜂岛菲莉快乐地穿梭其间:宝嘉康蒂面临改变一生的决定,又必须避免两军冲突,在充满智慧的柳树婆婆帮助下,她学会了倾听自已心中的声音,并且随著风中的色彩去追寻人生的真谛。     Pocahontas isn't as memorable as the soundtracks for Disney's three previous films (The Lion King, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast) but the music is agreeable enough. It falls into the same tradition as its predecessors -- there's lots of grand ballads and humorous, up-tempo numbers -- but the songs aren't quite as memorably melodic or witty as those that have graced Disney's other '90s features.
  风中奇缘,68届奥斯卡最佳音乐/喜剧片配乐奖、最佳歌曲奖。     原版迪士尼最优美的动画经典巨作"风中奇缘"大胆地将一段充满勇气和友谊的传奇历险,融入新时代的背景中:现在,它将进驻您全家心灵!在勇敢的上尉庄迈斯率领下,一批来自英国拓荒者到达了美洲大陆,敲响了美丽的印第安公主宝嘉康蒂和她族人们的警钟,也开始了一个建立在欢笑爱和忠诚上的故事。可爱的浣熊米糕和小蜂岛菲莉快乐地穿梭其间:宝嘉康蒂面临改变一生的决定,又必须避免两军冲突,在充满智慧的柳树婆婆帮助下,她学会了倾听自已心中的声音,并且随著风中的色彩去追寻人生的真谛。     Pocahontas isn't as memorable as the soundtracks for Disney's three previous films (The Lion King, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast) but the music is agreeable enough. It falls into the same tradition as its predecessors -- there's lots of grand ballads and humorous, up-tempo numbers -- but the songs aren't quite as memorably melodic or witty as those that have graced Disney's other '90s features.