Reach For The Sky

简介:  Ratt´s fifth release (fourth on major label), "Reach For the Sky," continues their swaggering style, their sleazy LA-style lyrics, and the Ratt sound forward through the end (*sniff*) of the 1980´s. While some songs take a bit of a musical twist on typical Ratt stuff, this album is still distinctly, undeniably RATT in all of their glory.   Actually, I like the amount of sleaze in this release more than I do in their ´85 album "Invasion of Your Privacy," and this album is neck-to-neck in competition with their 1986 "Dancing Undercover" for sexual inuendoes and lyrical sleaze. DeMartini´s guitar also continues to blister, ingiting your stereo with "I Want a Woman," "Don´t Bite the Hand That Feeds," and "City To City." "Chain Reaction" is fast, driving, and heavy, and "Bottom Line" is probably one of the best tracks on this album.   While I wouldn&acu
  Ratt´s fifth release (fourth on major label), "Reach For the Sky," continues their swaggering style, their sleazy LA-style lyrics, and the Ratt sound forward through the end (*sniff*) of the 1980´s. While some songs take a bit of a musical twist on typical Ratt stuff, this album is still distinctly, undeniably RATT in all of their glory.   Actually, I like the amount of sleaze in this release more than I do in their ´85 album "Invasion of Your Privacy," and this album is neck-to-neck in competition with their 1986 "Dancing Undercover" for sexual inuendoes and lyrical sleaze. DeMartini´s guitar also continues to blister, ingiting your stereo with "I Want a Woman," "Don´t Bite the Hand That Feeds," and "City To City." "Chain Reaction" is fast, driving, and heavy, and "Bottom Line" is probably one of the best tracks on this album.   While I wouldn&acu