Player's Paradise

简介:  这位才华洋溢,从小又扎下根基的Nitty,在2000年曾入主独立厂发表专辑『It’s Not A Game』,有著不错销售量及乐迷热情迴响,相隔五年后,终於不用拼那小舞台的表演场合,被国际唱片大厂Universal网罗签入旗下,放眼跃升国际舞台,尽情发挥Nitty旺盛表演慾!算是个人第二张录音室作品【Player’s Paradise】,也让拥有制作与创作方面长才的Nitty完全释放好手艺。虽然是来自东岸的饶舌好手,但是屏除那些暴戾之气,取而代之的释放出更多欢乐气氛,富有丰盛的流畅旋律,打从开场曲"ABC"开始,就能让听者轻易感染到这气息;更具Party味,再创啦啦队新曲的"Hey Bitty",取样经典啦啦队歌"Mickey",散发一身舞光四射的动感魅力;再次勾起往日摇摆情怀的排行劲作"Nasty Girl",取样阳光欢愉的"Sugar Sugar",甜而不腻的节奏,一听绝对上癮;取样乔治男孩领军的Culture Club/文化俱乐部经典作"Do You Really Want To Hurt Me"的"Like That",以及把玩Michael Jackson小时候的作品"I Wanna Be Where You Are"而混成的舒缓小品"Sorry",都是值得再次推荐的亮眼佳作;从头到尾欢乐100%的旋律直到末曲"It’s Official",实属难得地散发正面且毫无负担的首首组曲,Nitty邀你共赴闪亮舞动的时髦派对饗宴!   Compared to the average pop-rap MC in 2005, Nitty is squeaky clean. There's no parental advisory sticker on Player's Paradise, instantly making it an effective repellent for most people who buy rap records. And, just like hundreds of other rappers, Nitty wants to re-introduce hip-hop to the concept of fun. (This is just like wanting to put guitars back in rock & roll, but whatever.) So the deck is stacked against him. Really stacked. What he does have going for him is plenty of charm and just as many upbeat, party-oriented tracks with memorable hooks. One problem is that the hooks are often memorable in an "Oh no, I can't for the life of me get this out of my head" way -- the chorus of "Hey Bitty" takes too easily from Toni Basil's "Mickey," and "Nasty Girl" does the same with the Archies' "Sugar, Sugar." The album is bound to do best with kids who don't place a high priority on making their parents uneasy.
  这位才华洋溢,从小又扎下根基的Nitty,在2000年曾入主独立厂发表专辑『It’s Not A Game』,有著不错销售量及乐迷热情迴响,相隔五年后,终於不用拼那小舞台的表演场合,被国际唱片大厂Universal网罗签入旗下,放眼跃升国际舞台,尽情发挥Nitty旺盛表演慾!算是个人第二张录音室作品【Player’s Paradise】,也让拥有制作与创作方面长才的Nitty完全释放好手艺。虽然是来自东岸的饶舌好手,但是屏除那些暴戾之气,取而代之的释放出更多欢乐气氛,富有丰盛的流畅旋律,打从开场曲"ABC"开始,就能让听者轻易感染到这气息;更具Party味,再创啦啦队新曲的"Hey Bitty",取样经典啦啦队歌"Mickey",散发一身舞光四射的动感魅力;再次勾起往日摇摆情怀的排行劲作"Nasty Girl",取样阳光欢愉的"Sugar Sugar",甜而不腻的节奏,一听绝对上癮;取样乔治男孩领军的Culture Club/文化俱乐部经典作"Do You Really Want To Hurt Me"的"Like That",以及把玩Michael Jackson小时候的作品"I Wanna Be Where You Are"而混成的舒缓小品"Sorry",都是值得再次推荐的亮眼佳作;从头到尾欢乐100%的旋律直到末曲"It’s Official",实属难得地散发正面且毫无负担的首首组曲,Nitty邀你共赴闪亮舞动的时髦派对饗宴!   Compared to the average pop-rap MC in 2005, Nitty is squeaky clean. There's no parental advisory sticker on Player's Paradise, instantly making it an effective repellent for most people who buy rap records. And, just like hundreds of other rappers, Nitty wants to re-introduce hip-hop to the concept of fun. (This is just like wanting to put guitars back in rock & roll, but whatever.) So the deck is stacked against him. Really stacked. What he does have going for him is plenty of charm and just as many upbeat, party-oriented tracks with memorable hooks. One problem is that the hooks are often memorable in an "Oh no, I can't for the life of me get this out of my head" way -- the chorus of "Hey Bitty" takes too easily from Toni Basil's "Mickey," and "Nasty Girl" does the same with the Archies' "Sugar, Sugar." The album is bound to do best with kids who don't place a high priority on making their parents uneasy.