I'll Give All My Love to You

简介:  I know I was kinda hooked on buying the newest CD from an artist that I enjoy, simply because it was new...not neccesarily good. We of the R&B/hip-hop/rap audience have been known to buy a lot of stuff that is not worthy of a moment's attention--I'll let the social critics and comedians expound on that. I'm into renewing what I know to be really good, that is, if my Keith Sweat "I'll Give My Love To You" is worn out, then, I buy a new copy. Sweat has, throughout the years, put out some good cuts...memorable ones, in my opinion are "Right and Wrong Way" and "Twisted". This is the Sweat CD to get, to play, and play and play. The songs "Knew You were Cheatin" and the title track have some emotion-charged Keith not really heard in all his other tunes--albeit, different from his "begging brother" routine. Plus the production is great. "Merrry-Go-Round" is a song I never get tired of-- this is one enduring CD.
  I know I was kinda hooked on buying the newest CD from an artist that I enjoy, simply because it was new...not neccesarily good. We of the R&B/hip-hop/rap audience have been known to buy a lot of stuff that is not worthy of a moment's attention--I'll let the social critics and comedians expound on that. I'm into renewing what I know to be really good, that is, if my Keith Sweat "I'll Give My Love To You" is worn out, then, I buy a new copy. Sweat has, throughout the years, put out some good cuts...memorable ones, in my opinion are "Right and Wrong Way" and "Twisted". This is the Sweat CD to get, to play, and play and play. The songs "Knew You were Cheatin" and the title track have some emotion-charged Keith not really heard in all his other tunes--albeit, different from his "begging brother" routine. Plus the production is great. "Merrry-Go-Round" is a song I never get tired of-- this is one enduring CD.