Sentimental Mood

简介:  Barbara Carroll remains at the top of her game at age 80. This wonderful program of standards shows her at her swinging best. If her voice has lost a little of its bloom (she sings, or rather speaks, on a couple of numbers) her fingers certainly have not. Very few jazz pianists get a truly individual sound from the piano, but Carroll's full, two handed style is unique, and has been for decades. An excellent rhythm section and the usual fine sound from Venus make this a winner.
  Barbara Carroll remains at the top of her game at age 80. This wonderful program of standards shows her at her swinging best. If her voice has lost a little of its bloom (she sings, or rather speaks, on a couple of numbers) her fingers certainly have not. Very few jazz pianists get a truly individual sound from the piano, but Carroll's full, two handed style is unique, and has been for decades. An excellent rhythm section and the usual fine sound from Venus make this a winner.