Bach: Partitas Nos. 1, 3 & 6

简介:  Richard Goode is known to be an excellent musical interpreter, and the performance of these Bach partitas is an example of his skill. He balances just the right amount of dynamic shading and freedoms with tempos to make these partitas come alive on the piano, but not sound overly dramatic. Most of the movements are so complex that keeping the musical lines clear and separate provides enough drama. Goode makes it obvious which lines are important and where each is going, even in the third and first partitas, where he uses fewer dynamic colorings.
  Richard Goode is known to be an excellent musical interpreter, and the performance of these Bach partitas is an example of his skill. He balances just the right amount of dynamic shading and freedoms with tempos to make these partitas come alive on the piano, but not sound overly dramatic. Most of the movements are so complex that keeping the musical lines clear and separate provides enough drama. Goode makes it obvious which lines are important and where each is going, even in the third and first partitas, where he uses fewer dynamic colorings.