Cello Concertos

简介:  I decided to read this book, because I'm a young cellist myself. Or I want to be. So I must say that I like this book a lot just because it's about cellists and music. But I also like it otherwise. It isn't just a biography of someone. We hear also Noras's thoughts, ideas and so on. What he thinks about the world of music in which he has been living for - well, almost all his life. It doesn't tell everything about the artist, doesn't have lots of numbers or lists about what Noras has done, but that doesn't matter. I recommend "Arto Noras, sello" to everyone who is interested about cellists and classical music. A book which tells about a person can be boring, this isn't. It isn't too long, either. It isn't actually like a novel, sometimes it even has the same thoughts in different pages. It's more like real life, that way.
  I decided to read this book, because I'm a young cellist myself. Or I want to be. So I must say that I like this book a lot just because it's about cellists and music. But I also like it otherwise. It isn't just a biography of someone. We hear also Noras's thoughts, ideas and so on. What he thinks about the world of music in which he has been living for - well, almost all his life. It doesn't tell everything about the artist, doesn't have lots of numbers or lists about what Noras has done, but that doesn't matter. I recommend "Arto Noras, sello" to everyone who is interested about cellists and classical music. A book which tells about a person can be boring, this isn't. It isn't too long, either. It isn't actually like a novel, sometimes it even has the same thoughts in different pages. It's more like real life, that way.