简介: 首支单曲《 Skinny Love虚爱》一鸣惊人拿下英国金榜Top15、荷兰单曲榜冠军,并缔造白金销售纪录!
豪华升级版独家额外收录《 Comforting Sounds》《 Farewell And Goodnight》2首作品,以及《 People Help The People》的现场演唱版!
全名为Jasmine Van den Bogaerde的Birdy,从小就受到钢琴师母亲的薰陶,5岁开始学习弹琴,天资聪颖的她,不到8岁就已写出了自己的作品。求学时期,努力于表演艺术上,同时精进自身歌唱技能。以12岁稚龄参加英国歌唱竞赛节目Open Mic UK,发表创作歌曲《 So Be Free》,击败超过万人的参赛者,拿下18岁以下的分组比赛冠军,顺利地被华纳唱片旗下的14th Floor Records签下,成为Biffy Clyro、Damien Rice、David Gray等明星的小师妹。
以新人之姿出道的首张同名专辑《Birdy》 ,却选择发行翻唱大碟,利用擅长的钢琴弹奏为主轴,贯穿其最让人动容的嗓音,完全赋予歌曲新生命。交付美籍溷音/製作Rich Costey (Muse、Franz Ferdinand)+英籍Jim Abbiss (Adele)+James Ford ( Arctic Monkey)等两地高手联合操盘。一鸣惊人的《 Skinny Love》,是翻唱葛莱美最佳新人美好冬季乐团(Bon Iver)的作品,以简单的钢琴包覆伴随,诉说着痛彻心扉的爱,Birdy那催泪的嗓音更是令人鸡皮疙瘩掉满地,已登上英国金榜Top15席次,勇夺荷兰流行单曲榜冠军、缔造白金唱片销售纪录,晋升比利时流行单曲榜第3名、突破金唱片销售纪录,并在美国、法国、德国的iTunes另类音乐销售榜上晋升至TOP 10,同时还成为热门影集【噬血Y世代The Vampire Diaries】的重点衬乐,而歌曲的音乐录影带更在其官方YouTube页面创下逾1642万人次的惊人浏览收听纪录;翻唱自英国独立摇滚团队Cherry Ghost的《 People Help The People》,特地轻抚着弦乐滑顺音调,增添无比的凄美感,攻上荷兰流行单曲榜Top11;重新诠释拿下2010年水星音乐大赏的The XX的《 Shelter》,跟《 Skinny Love》一样被入选为BBC Radio 1首位女性当家主持人Fearne Cotton的《 当周最佳唱片》名单。除了重新诠释的精采曲目外,专辑中同时还附上一支自创曲《 Without A Word》,证明这位小妮子能唱、能弹,更能创作的真本事!
On the face of it, the self-titled debut from 15-year-old Birdy, aka Jasmine van den Bogaerde, doesn't seem any different from the hastily assembled cash-in covers albums released every year by the various X Factor alumni. But although its 11 renditions of mostly contemporary songs, many of which could be passed off as originals due to their previous lack of exposure, stick to the tried-and-tested talent show formula, that's where the comparisons end. Indeed, you won't find any karaoke standards or renditions of Miley Cyrus songs here, as this stripped-back collection of lesser-known hits and album tracks reads like a who's who of lo-fi hipster indie rock. The likes of the National's "Terrible Love" and Francis & the Lights' "I'll Never Forget You" offer little deviation from the source material, but for the most part, producers Rich Costey (Muse), James Ford (Arctic Monkeys), and Jim Abiss (Adele) strip the songs down to their bare bones, turning Cherry Ghost's everyman anthem "People Hold the People" into a tender torch song with its stately piano chords and mournful cello, toning down the aggression of the Naked & Famous' synth pop hit "Young Blood" with some muted beats and ethereal twinkling electronica, while somehow turning the already sparse "Shelter" from the xx's Mercury Music Prize winner into an even more skeletal and ghostly affair. As clever and subtle as these reworkings are, it's Birdy's youthful and fragile voice that steals the show, whether it's replicating the multi-layered harmonies of Fleet Foxes' "White Winter Hymnal," providing a poignancy to Bon Iver's "Skinny Love," or showcasing her scale-gliding abilities on the Postal Service's "The District Sleeps Alone Tonight." The gospel-tinged cover of James Taylor's "Fire and Rain," the only track to sound more expansive than the original, feels slightly out of place, while the unremarkable balladry of the only original composition, "Without a Word," suggests she might have to work a little harder on her songwriting skills if she's to avoid becoming a one-trick pony. The whole idea of Birdy sounds like a transparent attempt to court a more credible audience, but thanks to her haunting tones and a tasteful yet compelling production, it impressively avoids being the try-hard affair you'd expect.
首支单曲《 Skinny Love虚爱》一鸣惊人拿下英国金榜Top15、荷兰单曲榜冠军,并缔造白金销售纪录!
豪华升级版独家额外收录《 Comforting Sounds》《 Farewell And Goodnight》2首作品,以及《 People Help The People》的现场演唱版!
全名为Jasmine Van den Bogaerde的Birdy,从小就受到钢琴师母亲的薰陶,5岁开始学习弹琴,天资聪颖的她,不到8岁就已写出了自己的作品。求学时期,努力于表演艺术上,同时精进自身歌唱技能。以12岁稚龄参加英国歌唱竞赛节目Open Mic UK,发表创作歌曲《 So Be Free》,击败超过万人的参赛者,拿下18岁以下的分组比赛冠军,顺利地被华纳唱片旗下的14th Floor Records签下,成为Biffy Clyro、Damien Rice、David Gray等明星的小师妹。
以新人之姿出道的首张同名专辑《Birdy》 ,却选择发行翻唱大碟,利用擅长的钢琴弹奏为主轴,贯穿其最让人动容的嗓音,完全赋予歌曲新生命。交付美籍溷音/製作Rich Costey (Muse、Franz Ferdinand)+英籍Jim Abbiss (Adele)+James Ford ( Arctic Monkey)等两地高手联合操盘。一鸣惊人的《 Skinny Love》,是翻唱葛莱美最佳新人美好冬季乐团(Bon Iver)的作品,以简单的钢琴包覆伴随,诉说着痛彻心扉的爱,Birdy那催泪的嗓音更是令人鸡皮疙瘩掉满地,已登上英国金榜Top15席次,勇夺荷兰流行单曲榜冠军、缔造白金唱片销售纪录,晋升比利时流行单曲榜第3名、突破金唱片销售纪录,并在美国、法国、德国的iTunes另类音乐销售榜上晋升至TOP 10,同时还成为热门影集【噬血Y世代The Vampire Diaries】的重点衬乐,而歌曲的音乐录影带更在其官方YouTube页面创下逾1642万人次的惊人浏览收听纪录;翻唱自英国独立摇滚团队Cherry Ghost的《 People Help The People》,特地轻抚着弦乐滑顺音调,增添无比的凄美感,攻上荷兰流行单曲榜Top11;重新诠释拿下2010年水星音乐大赏的The XX的《 Shelter》,跟《 Skinny Love》一样被入选为BBC Radio 1首位女性当家主持人Fearne Cotton的《 当周最佳唱片》名单。除了重新诠释的精采曲目外,专辑中同时还附上一支自创曲《 Without A Word》,证明这位小妮子能唱、能弹,更能创作的真本事!
On the face of it, the self-titled debut from 15-year-old Birdy, aka Jasmine van den Bogaerde, doesn't seem any different from the hastily assembled cash-in covers albums released every year by the various X Factor alumni. But although its 11 renditions of mostly contemporary songs, many of which could be passed off as originals due to their previous lack of exposure, stick to the tried-and-tested talent show formula, that's where the comparisons end. Indeed, you won't find any karaoke standards or renditions of Miley Cyrus songs here, as this stripped-back collection of lesser-known hits and album tracks reads like a who's who of lo-fi hipster indie rock. The likes of the National's "Terrible Love" and Francis & the Lights' "I'll Never Forget You" offer little deviation from the source material, but for the most part, producers Rich Costey (Muse), James Ford (Arctic Monkeys), and Jim Abiss (Adele) strip the songs down to their bare bones, turning Cherry Ghost's everyman anthem "People Hold the People" into a tender torch song with its stately piano chords and mournful cello, toning down the aggression of the Naked & Famous' synth pop hit "Young Blood" with some muted beats and ethereal twinkling electronica, while somehow turning the already sparse "Shelter" from the xx's Mercury Music Prize winner into an even more skeletal and ghostly affair. As clever and subtle as these reworkings are, it's Birdy's youthful and fragile voice that steals the show, whether it's replicating the multi-layered harmonies of Fleet Foxes' "White Winter Hymnal," providing a poignancy to Bon Iver's "Skinny Love," or showcasing her scale-gliding abilities on the Postal Service's "The District Sleeps Alone Tonight." The gospel-tinged cover of James Taylor's "Fire and Rain," the only track to sound more expansive than the original, feels slightly out of place, while the unremarkable balladry of the only original composition, "Without a Word," suggests she might have to work a little harder on her songwriting skills if she's to avoid becoming a one-trick pony. The whole idea of Birdy sounds like a transparent attempt to court a more credible audience, but thanks to her haunting tones and a tasteful yet compelling production, it impressively avoids being the try-hard affair you'd expect.