Bleach (Deluxe)
简介: 摇滚乐迷们应该都不会忘记“Nevermind”专辑封面的水中小男婴,辑中那支被称为Grunge国歌的「Smell Like Teen Spirit」,至今听来还是那样地生猛有力、青春不死,1993年的那场【MTV Unplugged】到现在也还是不时的于MTV台上放送,让人感受到Nirvana温和内敛的一面。Kurt Cobain不管是忧郁或是愤怒的神情,也还依然清楚浮现于脑中,更不会忘记1994年那一枪由Kurt自己吞进的子弹,让他离开了人世,也一枪打入Nirvana乐迷的心中。Kurt的死,在当年造成的轰动,绝对不亚于70年代的3J(Jimi Hendrix、Janis Joplin、Jim Morrison),而Kurt也巧合的与3J一样逃不过这致命的27岁。虽然Kurt与Nirvana的寿命短暂,但却在Grunge狂袭的九零年代摇滚乐中,占了相当的重要地位,也深刻影响了X世代的青年。距Kurt过世已15年的今天,在摇滚乐迷眼中Nirvana还是被视为Grunge摇滚乐的掌门乐团,尽管Kurt Cobain的死令人感到遗憾,但还好他还留下音乐让我们怀念,27年的生命或许没什么事情是值得Kurt开心的,不过唯一让他寄托一切的音乐,就证明了Kurt曾经光彩活过的痕迹。
而Nirvana 1989年的首张专辑“Bleach”,是Nirvana被主流唱片公司签下的关键专辑,由有Grunge教父之称的制作人Jack Endino担任制作, Sub Pop发行的“Bleach”只花了606元美金的费用就录制完成,“Bleach”也成为独立厂牌Sub Pop从1986年开创至今、旗下发行专辑销售达到白金认证的两张专辑中的其中一张,截至目前为止,全球销出了1千7百万张,当中的「About A Girl」、「Love Buzz」都是Nirvana经典之作,早期粗糙狂野的放肆风格,也在“Bleach”里尽情狂放、一览无疑,因此没有“Bleach”的诞生也就没有后来轰动摇滚界的“Nevermind”,虽没有比“Nevermind”更为轰动,但“Bleach”绝对还是Grunge摇滚辞典中的重要录音。
This is one case where the legend really precedes the record itself. Cut for about 600 dollars in Jack Endino's studio over just a matter of days, this captures Nirvana at a formative stage, still indebted to the murk that became known as grunge, yet not quite finding their voice as songwriters. Which isn't to say that they were devoid of original material, since even at this stage Kurt Cobain illustrated signs of his considerable songcraft, particularly on the minor-key ballad "About a Girl" and the dense churn of "Blew." A few songs come close to that level, but that's more a triumph of sound than structure, as "Negative Creep" and "School" get by on attitude and churn, while the cover of "Love Buzz" winds up being one of the highlights because this gives a true menace to their sound, thanks to its menacing melody. The rest of it sinks into the sludge, as the group itself winds up succumbing to grinding sub-metallic riffing that has little power, due to lack of riffs and lack of a good drummer. Bleach is more than a historical curiosity since it does have its share of great songs, but it isn't a lost classic -- it's a debut from a band that shows potential but haven't yet achieved it.
摇滚乐迷们应该都不会忘记“Nevermind”专辑封面的水中小男婴,辑中那支被称为Grunge国歌的「Smell Like Teen Spirit」,至今听来还是那样地生猛有力、青春不死,1993年的那场【MTV Unplugged】到现在也还是不时的于MTV台上放送,让人感受到Nirvana温和内敛的一面。Kurt Cobain不管是忧郁或是愤怒的神情,也还依然清楚浮现于脑中,更不会忘记1994年那一枪由Kurt自己吞进的子弹,让他离开了人世,也一枪打入Nirvana乐迷的心中。Kurt的死,在当年造成的轰动,绝对不亚于70年代的3J(Jimi Hendrix、Janis Joplin、Jim Morrison),而Kurt也巧合的与3J一样逃不过这致命的27岁。虽然Kurt与Nirvana的寿命短暂,但却在Grunge狂袭的九零年代摇滚乐中,占了相当的重要地位,也深刻影响了X世代的青年。距Kurt过世已15年的今天,在摇滚乐迷眼中Nirvana还是被视为Grunge摇滚乐的掌门乐团,尽管Kurt Cobain的死令人感到遗憾,但还好他还留下音乐让我们怀念,27年的生命或许没什么事情是值得Kurt开心的,不过唯一让他寄托一切的音乐,就证明了Kurt曾经光彩活过的痕迹。
而Nirvana 1989年的首张专辑“Bleach”,是Nirvana被主流唱片公司签下的关键专辑,由有Grunge教父之称的制作人Jack Endino担任制作, Sub Pop发行的“Bleach”只花了606元美金的费用就录制完成,“Bleach”也成为独立厂牌Sub Pop从1986年开创至今、旗下发行专辑销售达到白金认证的两张专辑中的其中一张,截至目前为止,全球销出了1千7百万张,当中的「About A Girl」、「Love Buzz」都是Nirvana经典之作,早期粗糙狂野的放肆风格,也在“Bleach”里尽情狂放、一览无疑,因此没有“Bleach”的诞生也就没有后来轰动摇滚界的“Nevermind”,虽没有比“Nevermind”更为轰动,但“Bleach”绝对还是Grunge摇滚辞典中的重要录音。
This is one case where the legend really precedes the record itself. Cut for about 600 dollars in Jack Endino's studio over just a matter of days, this captures Nirvana at a formative stage, still indebted to the murk that became known as grunge, yet not quite finding their voice as songwriters. Which isn't to say that they were devoid of original material, since even at this stage Kurt Cobain illustrated signs of his considerable songcraft, particularly on the minor-key ballad "About a Girl" and the dense churn of "Blew." A few songs come close to that level, but that's more a triumph of sound than structure, as "Negative Creep" and "School" get by on attitude and churn, while the cover of "Love Buzz" winds up being one of the highlights because this gives a true menace to their sound, thanks to its menacing melody. The rest of it sinks into the sludge, as the group itself winds up succumbing to grinding sub-metallic riffing that has little power, due to lack of riffs and lack of a good drummer. Bleach is more than a historical curiosity since it does have its share of great songs, but it isn't a lost classic -- it's a debut from a band that shows potential but haven't yet achieved it.