Everything Changes
简介: 史上最受欢迎英伦男孩天团 限量经典珍藏复刻。
堪称是英伦男孩乐团的始祖「接招合唱团」,于1996年12月20日年解散至今已有10年的时间,但是他们带给日后许多男孩乐团的影响却是无远弗届。5个各自有型有款的年轻男孩,轻易地在歌坛上掳获了全球无数少女歌迷的心,而从此以后,「接招合唱团」也成了日后许多男孩团体比照办理的成功模板。 「接招合唱团」拥有3张冠军大碟、1张亚军大碟、10首英国金榜冠军单曲、5首英国金榜TOP 10、7张音乐录像带排行冠军作品,并曾经创下台湾唱片史上最畅销的男孩团体专辑(约40万张)也曾于1993年3月首度访华引爆偶像旋风。本张专辑《Take That And Party》是接招合唱团1993年的推出的第二张大碟,收录Pray、Relight My Fire、Everything changes、Love Ain’t Here Anymore等畅销金曲,喜爱「接招合唱团」的歌迷千万别再错过最后珍藏的机会!
British group Take That did not have the same worries about releasing Everything Changes as they had with their debut album. By this time they were giant superstars in Europe, and the question in their minds was not whether they could get a hit single, but how many and which would make it to number one. The album spawned six hit singles, four of which made number one, making it Record of the Year and one of the best-selling albums of the decade, proclaiming them the biggest male group since the Beatles. When the hype sets in, it is hard to distinguish the value of the material itself. It is an album of dance-pop and ballads sung by five young men, with a greater maturity than most boy band albums thanks to the writing by lead singer Gary Barlow. Boy bands have their share of skeptics, and getting those to tear down their defenses usually ends up competing with their struggle to please the fan base they already have. With saucy dance tracks like "Relight My Fire" (a hit for Dan Hartman in the '70s) and quality ballads like "Pray" and "Love Ain't Here Anymore," as well as pop tracks "Everything Changes" and "Whatever You Do to Me," Take That won over everyone they needed to. What they got in return was a reputation for being a fine group with real talent. Everything Changes marked the height of Take That popularity.
史上最受欢迎英伦男孩天团 限量经典珍藏复刻。
堪称是英伦男孩乐团的始祖「接招合唱团」,于1996年12月20日年解散至今已有10年的时间,但是他们带给日后许多男孩乐团的影响却是无远弗届。5个各自有型有款的年轻男孩,轻易地在歌坛上掳获了全球无数少女歌迷的心,而从此以后,「接招合唱团」也成了日后许多男孩团体比照办理的成功模板。 「接招合唱团」拥有3张冠军大碟、1张亚军大碟、10首英国金榜冠军单曲、5首英国金榜TOP 10、7张音乐录像带排行冠军作品,并曾经创下台湾唱片史上最畅销的男孩团体专辑(约40万张)也曾于1993年3月首度访华引爆偶像旋风。本张专辑《Take That And Party》是接招合唱团1993年的推出的第二张大碟,收录Pray、Relight My Fire、Everything changes、Love Ain’t Here Anymore等畅销金曲,喜爱「接招合唱团」的歌迷千万别再错过最后珍藏的机会!
British group Take That did not have the same worries about releasing Everything Changes as they had with their debut album. By this time they were giant superstars in Europe, and the question in their minds was not whether they could get a hit single, but how many and which would make it to number one. The album spawned six hit singles, four of which made number one, making it Record of the Year and one of the best-selling albums of the decade, proclaiming them the biggest male group since the Beatles. When the hype sets in, it is hard to distinguish the value of the material itself. It is an album of dance-pop and ballads sung by five young men, with a greater maturity than most boy band albums thanks to the writing by lead singer Gary Barlow. Boy bands have their share of skeptics, and getting those to tear down their defenses usually ends up competing with their struggle to please the fan base they already have. With saucy dance tracks like "Relight My Fire" (a hit for Dan Hartman in the '70s) and quality ballads like "Pray" and "Love Ain't Here Anymore," as well as pop tracks "Everything Changes" and "Whatever You Do to Me," Take That won over everyone they needed to. What they got in return was a reputation for being a fine group with real talent. Everything Changes marked the height of Take That popularity.