Sounds Like This

简介:  Eric Hutchinson,生于华盛顿,有着可爱清秀的外表,毕业于波士顿只开设传播艺术领域课程的Emerson College学院,他的名字默默无名,但从他自己发行的“Sounds Like This”首张专辑开始,瞬间成了许多人google的对象。 而“Sounds Like This”这张好唱片如果没有知名部落格作家Perez Hilton这位幕后推手的话,也许就这样销声匿迹了。命运真的是很难预料,Eric的高中好友在偶然的机会下将Eric的MySpace网站传给了 Perez Hilton,Perez喜欢到在他每天有上千人浏览的部落格中推荐Eric的音乐。啪!中奖!这张专辑短短时间内,就在iTunes稳坐专辑榜第五名的位置,是iTunes史上由独立歌手拿下的最高专辑名次,并空降Billboard新进艺人专辑榜冠军,成为街头巷尾讨论、各传媒报导的对象,华盛顿日报与Entertainment Weekly分别以:“当Eric在吉他与琴键间上挥洒他的才华、温柔轻哼着激烈的爱恋与日常生活中内心斗争的同时,不可否认的,Eric拥有相当强大的音乐魅力”与“给人流行乐新体验, Eric创造多首顺畅入耳的好音乐”等好评为此专辑增色不少,更是击败Duffy、Estelle、Adele等歌手,列入VH1十大年度不可不知新进歌手第三名! 这张专辑的两位制作人,一位是Will Golden(Joe Purdy),另一位是曾为大名鼎鼎的Radiohead制作唱片的Paul Kolderie,他们放纵Eric自由发展,而他带来的透明纯粹的音乐风格,似乎是他毫不费劲就创造出来的,感情自然地流露而出,也常被比喻拥有类似 Stevie Wonder、杰森玛耶兹、Ben Folds等人的那种发自内心将音乐散发的天生能力。而在2008年,华纳签下Eric Hutchinson,再次发行“Sounds Like This”,要已经记起他的人更爱他、要还没记起他的人听了他音乐忘不了他!轻盈的钢琴声飞扬在“OK, It’s Alright With Me”作为开场;“You Don’t Have To Believe Me”如临游乐场般欢乐的快活心情;人人都是这世界上食物链中的一环,以爵士韵律的琴键为基底,“Food Chain”Eric告诉你不管遭逢何事,都是世界上重要的一个角色;用喇叭制造出ska的舒适摆动,忍不住让人一起点点头抖抖肩,最享乐主义的 “Rock & Roll”让你想做啥就做啥,人生就是要开开心心的嘛@Eric一下飙高音,一会儿运用沙哑喉音,他丰富的音域与结合横跨摇滚、民谣、流行、灵魂乐的音乐,真的会让你忘不了Eric Hutchinson这号人物      by Stewart Mason   Eric Hutchinson was supposed to be made a star by Madonna, or at least by her label, but after Maverick went bullet-bra-up in 2005 and Hutchinson went back to self-releasing his own albums, it turned out that all he needed was one prominent blogger on his side. After Perez Hilton waxed rhapsodic about Hutchinson's Sounds Like This on his celeb gossip blog in the summer of 2007, the Virginia-born, LA-based singer/songwriter suddenly shot into the Top Ten download chart at iTunes. It helps immensely that Hutchinson's third album is leaps and bounds beyond his previous two, That Could've Gone Better and the live EP ...Before I Sold Out: from the frisky piano-driven opener "OK, It's Alright with Me" onwards, Sounds Like This is a well-produced, cleverly arranged, and immensely catchy batch of AAA singer/songwriter pop songs. On the live EP, "Outside Villanova" sounded like the sort of faux-reggae soft rock fluff that Rupert Holmes might have released as a follow-up to "Escape (The Piña Colada Song)," but in its full-band version, the kitsch aspects of the song are transformed into something closer to Ben Folds Five. Overall, the general air of "sensitive guy with an acoustic guitar" endemic to this brand of singer/songwriter pop is neatly balanced with a sense of playfulness and a knack for quirky arrangement choices that keep the songs from merely dissipating in the air between speakers and ears. Sounds Like This will sound great on the in-house stereo at your local Starbucks, of course, but there's more to it than that.
  Eric Hutchinson,生于华盛顿,有着可爱清秀的外表,毕业于波士顿只开设传播艺术领域课程的Emerson College学院,他的名字默默无名,但从他自己发行的“Sounds Like This”首张专辑开始,瞬间成了许多人google的对象。 而“Sounds Like This”这张好唱片如果没有知名部落格作家Perez Hilton这位幕后推手的话,也许就这样销声匿迹了。命运真的是很难预料,Eric的高中好友在偶然的机会下将Eric的MySpace网站传给了 Perez Hilton,Perez喜欢到在他每天有上千人浏览的部落格中推荐Eric的音乐。啪!中奖!这张专辑短短时间内,就在iTunes稳坐专辑榜第五名的位置,是iTunes史上由独立歌手拿下的最高专辑名次,并空降Billboard新进艺人专辑榜冠军,成为街头巷尾讨论、各传媒报导的对象,华盛顿日报与Entertainment Weekly分别以:“当Eric在吉他与琴键间上挥洒他的才华、温柔轻哼着激烈的爱恋与日常生活中内心斗争的同时,不可否认的,Eric拥有相当强大的音乐魅力”与“给人流行乐新体验, Eric创造多首顺畅入耳的好音乐”等好评为此专辑增色不少,更是击败Duffy、Estelle、Adele等歌手,列入VH1十大年度不可不知新进歌手第三名! 这张专辑的两位制作人,一位是Will Golden(Joe Purdy),另一位是曾为大名鼎鼎的Radiohead制作唱片的Paul Kolderie,他们放纵Eric自由发展,而他带来的透明纯粹的音乐风格,似乎是他毫不费劲就创造出来的,感情自然地流露而出,也常被比喻拥有类似 Stevie Wonder、杰森玛耶兹、Ben Folds等人的那种发自内心将音乐散发的天生能力。而在2008年,华纳签下Eric Hutchinson,再次发行“Sounds Like This”,要已经记起他的人更爱他、要还没记起他的人听了他音乐忘不了他!轻盈的钢琴声飞扬在“OK, It’s Alright With Me”作为开场;“You Don’t Have To Believe Me”如临游乐场般欢乐的快活心情;人人都是这世界上食物链中的一环,以爵士韵律的琴键为基底,“Food Chain”Eric告诉你不管遭逢何事,都是世界上重要的一个角色;用喇叭制造出ska的舒适摆动,忍不住让人一起点点头抖抖肩,最享乐主义的 “Rock & Roll”让你想做啥就做啥,人生就是要开开心心的嘛@Eric一下飙高音,一会儿运用沙哑喉音,他丰富的音域与结合横跨摇滚、民谣、流行、灵魂乐的音乐,真的会让你忘不了Eric Hutchinson这号人物      by Stewart Mason   Eric Hutchinson was supposed to be made a star by Madonna, or at least by her label, but after Maverick went bullet-bra-up in 2005 and Hutchinson went back to self-releasing his own albums, it turned out that all he needed was one prominent blogger on his side. After Perez Hilton waxed rhapsodic about Hutchinson's Sounds Like This on his celeb gossip blog in the summer of 2007, the Virginia-born, LA-based singer/songwriter suddenly shot into the Top Ten download chart at iTunes. It helps immensely that Hutchinson's third album is leaps and bounds beyond his previous two, That Could've Gone Better and the live EP ...Before I Sold Out: from the frisky piano-driven opener "OK, It's Alright with Me" onwards, Sounds Like This is a well-produced, cleverly arranged, and immensely catchy batch of AAA singer/songwriter pop songs. On the live EP, "Outside Villanova" sounded like the sort of faux-reggae soft rock fluff that Rupert Holmes might have released as a follow-up to "Escape (The Piña Colada Song)," but in its full-band version, the kitsch aspects of the song are transformed into something closer to Ben Folds Five. Overall, the general air of "sensitive guy with an acoustic guitar" endemic to this brand of singer/songwriter pop is neatly balanced with a sense of playfulness and a knack for quirky arrangement choices that keep the songs from merely dissipating in the air between speakers and ears. Sounds Like This will sound great on the in-house stereo at your local Starbucks, of course, but there's more to it than that.