Told U So

简介:  by Ron WynnThe husband and wife duo of John Smith and Valerie Day began as a rock tandem, then gradually started singing the soul they preferred with Atlantic. This was the Oregon team's second session for Atlantic, and it didn't come close to matching the first, which had been a surprising success in 1986. Their clever, synthesized vocal style and pop/dance arrangements seemed tiring the second time around, and the bottom seemed to fall out for them.
  by Ron WynnThe husband and wife duo of John Smith and Valerie Day began as a rock tandem, then gradually started singing the soul they preferred with Atlantic. This was the Oregon team's second session for Atlantic, and it didn't come close to matching the first, which had been a surprising success in 1986. Their clever, synthesized vocal style and pop/dance arrangements seemed tiring the second time around, and the bottom seemed to fall out for them.