Debussy: Images

简介:  His home country has inspired his interpretation of these Debussy pieces. Simon says: "My experiences in the historical city of Ohrid, and in my father's birthplace, the village Zbazdi, where every summer, as a child I absorbed the wonderful natural beauty and the authentic lifestyle of the village, have always been, and still remain, a constant inspiration and endless source of energy for my work, including the pieces that appear on this recording." Reviewing a performance by Trpceski of Debussy's Images (Book I), The Seattle Times wrote earlier this year, "Here is a pianist who really gets to the heart of the Impressionist style, one who can make the textures shimmer." The Toronto Star said (of Images Book II), "he turned ordinary notes into gently shimmering cascades of colour, finally building up to the rollicking, occasionally jazzy 'Poissons d'or'. His playing was so perfect that it took an effort to remember to breathe while listening."
  His home country has inspired his interpretation of these Debussy pieces. Simon says: "My experiences in the historical city of Ohrid, and in my father's birthplace, the village Zbazdi, where every summer, as a child I absorbed the wonderful natural beauty and the authentic lifestyle of the village, have always been, and still remain, a constant inspiration and endless source of energy for my work, including the pieces that appear on this recording." Reviewing a performance by Trpceski of Debussy's Images (Book I), The Seattle Times wrote earlier this year, "Here is a pianist who really gets to the heart of the Impressionist style, one who can make the textures shimmer." The Toronto Star said (of Images Book II), "he turned ordinary notes into gently shimmering cascades of colour, finally building up to the rollicking, occasionally jazzy 'Poissons d'or'. His playing was so perfect that it took an effort to remember to breathe while listening."