Celtic Dreams

简介:  Celtic 音乐又一经典合辑(双碟),环球出品,精选35首凯尔特名曲,源自深厚的文化底蕴,汲啜民谣原味,发自心灵的声音,众多知名歌手、乐队(详见后面“Singers”或“专辑曲目”)再度演绎凯尔特的神秘传奇,为世人勾画出梦幻般的一方乐土,展现了传统音乐的力与美,以及不可思议的亲和力。      这些经典乐曲充满着浪漫温柔的气氛,展现出凯尔特音乐中较为温柔可人、深情内蕴的一面。传统凯尔特乐曲所表现出的美感,丝毫不受时空限制,藉由风笛、原音吉他、木笛、骨哨、悠扬女声等所交织成的精彩乐音,以各种方式咏叹着真情挚爱的美丽。透过这些传统音乐,我们彷佛回到了以往的时光,每个人都变成了异乡游子,而遗落已久的爱,也再度出现在你我心灵的地平线。      Singers: Capercaillie, Celtic Spirit, Hayley Westenra, Moya Brennan (Máire Brennan), Neil Martin, Rachel O'Donnell, Ryan O'Donnell, Roisin O'reilly, Russell Watson, Secret Garden, Sir James Galway, Sissel, The Corrs, The Cranberries, Trinití...(歌手排序不分前后)         All our music resources are for trial only. Please delete the downloaded file within 24 hours by yourself. All property of the songs belong to singers or their company! Please buy the CD of them and support them. Downloading the file means you consent to all said above. If you don't accept the announcement, please don't download and delete the music file at once.
  Celtic 音乐又一经典合辑(双碟),环球出品,精选35首凯尔特名曲,源自深厚的文化底蕴,汲啜民谣原味,发自心灵的声音,众多知名歌手、乐队(详见后面“Singers”或“专辑曲目”)再度演绎凯尔特的神秘传奇,为世人勾画出梦幻般的一方乐土,展现了传统音乐的力与美,以及不可思议的亲和力。      这些经典乐曲充满着浪漫温柔的气氛,展现出凯尔特音乐中较为温柔可人、深情内蕴的一面。传统凯尔特乐曲所表现出的美感,丝毫不受时空限制,藉由风笛、原音吉他、木笛、骨哨、悠扬女声等所交织成的精彩乐音,以各种方式咏叹着真情挚爱的美丽。透过这些传统音乐,我们彷佛回到了以往的时光,每个人都变成了异乡游子,而遗落已久的爱,也再度出现在你我心灵的地平线。      Singers: Capercaillie, Celtic Spirit, Hayley Westenra, Moya Brennan (Máire Brennan), Neil Martin, Rachel O'Donnell, Ryan O'Donnell, Roisin O'reilly, Russell Watson, Secret Garden, Sir James Galway, Sissel, The Corrs, The Cranberries, Trinití...(歌手排序不分前后)         All our music resources are for trial only. Please delete the downloaded file within 24 hours by yourself. All property of the songs belong to singers or their company! Please buy the CD of them and support them. Downloading the file means you consent to all said above. If you don't accept the announcement, please don't download and delete the music file at once.