Grrr!...It's Betty Boo

简介:  by William RuhlmannBritish rapper Betty Boo doesn't have much on her mind other than man troubles, which she describes in adequate rhymes over John Coxon's standard-issue hip-hop dance tracks, borrowing (with credit given) from the Beatles and the Four Tops, but mostly from superior American rap predecessors. Boo raps through the verses and sings the choruses (with extensive backup vocals and echo, suggesting she's not much of a singer) in an engaging enough manner, but she never threatens to be more than a cartoon.
  by William RuhlmannBritish rapper Betty Boo doesn't have much on her mind other than man troubles, which she describes in adequate rhymes over John Coxon's standard-issue hip-hop dance tracks, borrowing (with credit given) from the Beatles and the Four Tops, but mostly from superior American rap predecessors. Boo raps through the verses and sings the choruses (with extensive backup vocals and echo, suggesting she's not much of a singer) in an engaging enough manner, but she never threatens to be more than a cartoon.