When I Was A Boy

简介:  by Roch ParisienConsidering the three-year delay since Jane Siberry's previous release (which reportedly saw one completed album scrapped altogether), Siberry had obviously gone through some intense soul-searching to determine where her muse was to take her next. Judging by When I Was a Boy, she ended up retreating to some neutral ground that drew on several elements of her previous work without really taking things anywhere new. This is a very personal, introspective album, its intimate textures consistent with the ambient work that production collaborators Brian Eno and Michael Brook were well known for. Even average Siberry was still better than most of what was foisted on the public as female vocalist pop circa this album's release in 1993. It was just that one had come to expect more from her -- like surprises and wonder -- rather than the sound of treading water.
  by Roch ParisienConsidering the three-year delay since Jane Siberry's previous release (which reportedly saw one completed album scrapped altogether), Siberry had obviously gone through some intense soul-searching to determine where her muse was to take her next. Judging by When I Was a Boy, she ended up retreating to some neutral ground that drew on several elements of her previous work without really taking things anywhere new. This is a very personal, introspective album, its intimate textures consistent with the ambient work that production collaborators Brian Eno and Michael Brook were well known for. Even average Siberry was still better than most of what was foisted on the public as female vocalist pop circa this album's release in 1993. It was just that one had come to expect more from her -- like surprises and wonder -- rather than the sound of treading water.