
简介:  二次世界大战时,前奥林匹克长跑选手路易·赞贝里尼(杰克·奥康奈尔 Jack O'Connell 饰)驾驶的战机意外坠毁,路易与其他两位同机组员在海上漂流了47天之后,遭到日本海军长期囚禁,并受其中一位军官渡边长野(石原贵雅 Miyavi 饰)残忍虐待,甚至到战争结束后这个痛苦的梦魇仍挥之不去,他经常作恶梦、酗酒,在看似失去一切的时候,信仰解救了他,他最后更前往日本希望与渡边长野会面,愿意原谅他……   本片由安吉丽娜·朱莉执导并担任制片,改编自前奥运会长跑运动员的路易·赞贝里尼的真实经历,浓缩他从街头顽童、奥运选手以及二战期间个人跌宕起伏的经历,97岁的路易亲自出镜讲解。   Taken from the Unbroken Original Motion Picture Soundtrack, which will be released on Monday, 15 December by Parlophone and Atlantic Records. Unbroken opens in the UK on 26 December and in the US on 25 December.   The film Unbroken, produced and directed by Angelina Jolie based on the 2010 non-fiction book by Laura Hillenbrand called Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption.
  二次世界大战时,前奥林匹克长跑选手路易·赞贝里尼(杰克·奥康奈尔 Jack O'Connell 饰)驾驶的战机意外坠毁,路易与其他两位同机组员在海上漂流了47天之后,遭到日本海军长期囚禁,并受其中一位军官渡边长野(石原贵雅 Miyavi 饰)残忍虐待,甚至到战争结束后这个痛苦的梦魇仍挥之不去,他经常作恶梦、酗酒,在看似失去一切的时候,信仰解救了他,他最后更前往日本希望与渡边长野会面,愿意原谅他……   本片由安吉丽娜·朱莉执导并担任制片,改编自前奥运会长跑运动员的路易·赞贝里尼的真实经历,浓缩他从街头顽童、奥运选手以及二战期间个人跌宕起伏的经历,97岁的路易亲自出镜讲解。   Taken from the Unbroken Original Motion Picture Soundtrack, which will be released on Monday, 15 December by Parlophone and Atlantic Records. Unbroken opens in the UK on 26 December and in the US on 25 December.   The film Unbroken, produced and directed by Angelina Jolie based on the 2010 non-fiction book by Laura Hillenbrand called Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption.
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