Jamie Lawson

简介:  全球新巨星 红髮艾德Ed Sheeran自创音乐厂牌旗下首位民谣爱将!   Ed特别出借长久合作伙伴Will Hicks (Lily Allen、Plan B、Bastille)担纲製作,以及“+”和“x”专辑幕后混音功臣Ruadhri Cushnan (Mumford & Sons、George Michael、Duncan Sheik)站台协助,预购就登上英国iTunes专辑榜冠军!   吹拂民谣爽朗清风的「Wasn't Expecting That」,2015年重新发行,已拿下英国iTunes榜冠军!           大受全球新巨星 红髮艾德Ed Sheeran高度重视,公开翻唱Jamie Lawson的成名代表作「Wasn't Expecting That」,并邀约担任【x】巡迴演唱的暖场嘉宾,更是Ed自创音乐厂牌Gingerbread Man Records旗下首位爱将!同洋打著民谣清新风格,唱出引发心灵共鸣的温暖之歌,细腻描绘男女情爱与友谊关系,卸下武装外表的假面,掏心掏肺的与你诚恳以对!   从小受到Crowded House、R.E.M.、Leonard Cohen的音乐影响,8岁开始学习弹吉他玩摇滚,求学期间六续加入几个翻唱乐团担任吉他手,17岁时,发现自己也可以唱,勤跑许多俱乐部磨练自己歌唱技能。算是大器晚成的Jamie,将迈入不惑之年,2003开始掘起于独立摇滚界,发行首张不甚成功的专辑“Last Night Stars”,转回走唱生涯的Jamie,2009年曾吸引到Ed的注意,不过,随后失去联酪许久,Ed却一直将Jamie的名字放在心裡。2013年Ed因为“x”专辑的网路宣传,加上Jamie小型演唱会海报的讯息,让惺惺相惜的Ed和Jamie两位才子再度搭上线。发行过3张专辑,建立深厚演唱和创作才情,Jamie早已是充分准备好的艺人,藉著伯乐Ed的提携,终于如愿跃上国际舞台!   加盟华纳唱片集团的首张同名大碟“Jamie Lawson”,Ed特别出借长久合作伙伴Will Hicks(Lily Allen、Plan B、Bastille)担纲製作,以及“+”和“x”幕后混音功臣Ruadhri Cushnan (Mumford & Sons、George Michael、Duncan Sheik)站台协助。除了全新撰写的歌曲之外,Jamie还挑选先前独立发行的作品予以重新诠释收录。2011年即已问市的「Wasn't Expecting That」,吹拂民谣的爽朗清风,2015年重新发行后,登上澳洲榜亚军并获颁双白金销售认证,并拿下英国iTunes榜冠军;相当正面并能鼓舞人心的「Someone For Everyone」,撇开沮丧无奈,拥抱阳光的和煦,如同「Don't Let Me Let You Go」展现同洋心境;与美国乡村才女Kim Richey合写的「Cold In Ohio   ,描写不愿离开所爱的人,内心那份苦痛与挣扎,冷冽又令人感伤;举凡对爱渴望的「The Only Conclusion   、再度攀上澳洲流行榜的「Ahead Of Myself   ,从那优雅舒缓乐章中,体验心醉神迷的柔情爱恋。如果你喜欢Ed Sheeran,绝对不能错过Jamie Lawson!   Jamie Lawson's self-titled album will be released through Ed Sheeran's new label, Gingerbread Man Records on October 16.      Ed Sheeran announces Gingeraread Man Records with first signing Jamie Lawson      “I first became aware of Jamie Lawson a few years ago, after hearing his track “Wasn’t Expecting That”. I very rarely get emotional over a track, but that song stopped me dead. He manages to put across such raw emotion within his work, and I knew immediately that I wanted to work with this guy in some way. Having decided to start my own label ‘Gingerbread Man Records’ with my label Atlantic Records, the first artist I had to sign was Jamie. Starting Gingerbread Man Records means I can put music I love out there on a huge platform, and Jamie seemed like the perfect choice for my first release” - Ed Sheeran, July 2015.      On his return to the UK, he went straight into a residential studio in the Oxfordshire countryside, tasked with putting a new album together in just two intense weeks. He worked with Ed’s producer Will Hicks, whose other credits include Lily Allen, James Blunt, Professor Green, Plan B and Bastille, and recording quickly has allowed the songs to retain an emotional immediacy, an intimacy, that often gets polished away in longer sessions.      If you’re looking for comparisons, think early, Moondance-era Van Morrison meeting the poppy accessibility of James Morrison, with perhaps a tip of the hat to Damien Rice and Ray LaMontagne. But there’s a reason he has decided to title it simply Jamie Lawson . From the fragile, tenderly lovely ‘All Is Beauty’ and ‘Cold In Ohio’ to the reassuring optimism of ‘Someone For Everyone’, this is an album that showcases a writer and a singer who is comfortably, confidently and completely himself.   ‘I wanted to create something with warmth and love that was a bit like a nice blanket, a good cardigan,’ he says. ‘That couldn’t be less rock 'n' roll could it? But I hope it can help and comfort people, and that they’ll feel certain songs are there for them when they need them. I like that idea, because that’s what music has always been for me.’      Certainly, Wasn’t Expecting That is a song that connects with listeners deeply.      ‘When I was touring in Ireland, you’d have families in the audience ¬– but there was always someone missing,’ says Jamie. ‘They came together because of this song, and that moved me a lot. Now I’m getting beautiful tweets from Australia that say “I’m driving into work and I’m in floods of tears again because of your song.” It’s crazy the effect it can have, but exciting, too.'
  全球新巨星 红髮艾德Ed Sheeran自创音乐厂牌旗下首位民谣爱将!   Ed特别出借长久合作伙伴Will Hicks (Lily Allen、Plan B、Bastille)担纲製作,以及“+”和“x”专辑幕后混音功臣Ruadhri Cushnan (Mumford & Sons、George Michael、Duncan Sheik)站台协助,预购就登上英国iTunes专辑榜冠军!   吹拂民谣爽朗清风的「Wasn't Expecting That」,2015年重新发行,已拿下英国iTunes榜冠军!           大受全球新巨星 红髮艾德Ed Sheeran高度重视,公开翻唱Jamie Lawson的成名代表作「Wasn't Expecting That」,并邀约担任【x】巡迴演唱的暖场嘉宾,更是Ed自创音乐厂牌Gingerbread Man Records旗下首位爱将!同洋打著民谣清新风格,唱出引发心灵共鸣的温暖之歌,细腻描绘男女情爱与友谊关系,卸下武装外表的假面,掏心掏肺的与你诚恳以对!   从小受到Crowded House、R.E.M.、Leonard Cohen的音乐影响,8岁开始学习弹吉他玩摇滚,求学期间六续加入几个翻唱乐团担任吉他手,17岁时,发现自己也可以唱,勤跑许多俱乐部磨练自己歌唱技能。算是大器晚成的Jamie,将迈入不惑之年,2003开始掘起于独立摇滚界,发行首张不甚成功的专辑“Last Night Stars”,转回走唱生涯的Jamie,2009年曾吸引到Ed的注意,不过,随后失去联酪许久,Ed却一直将Jamie的名字放在心裡。2013年Ed因为“x”专辑的网路宣传,加上Jamie小型演唱会海报的讯息,让惺惺相惜的Ed和Jamie两位才子再度搭上线。发行过3张专辑,建立深厚演唱和创作才情,Jamie早已是充分准备好的艺人,藉著伯乐Ed的提携,终于如愿跃上国际舞台!   加盟华纳唱片集团的首张同名大碟“Jamie Lawson”,Ed特别出借长久合作伙伴Will Hicks(Lily Allen、Plan B、Bastille)担纲製作,以及“+”和“x”幕后混音功臣Ruadhri Cushnan (Mumford & Sons、George Michael、Duncan Sheik)站台协助。除了全新撰写的歌曲之外,Jamie还挑选先前独立发行的作品予以重新诠释收录。2011年即已问市的「Wasn't Expecting That」,吹拂民谣的爽朗清风,2015年重新发行后,登上澳洲榜亚军并获颁双白金销售认证,并拿下英国iTunes榜冠军;相当正面并能鼓舞人心的「Someone For Everyone」,撇开沮丧无奈,拥抱阳光的和煦,如同「Don't Let Me Let You Go」展现同洋心境;与美国乡村才女Kim Richey合写的「Cold In Ohio   ,描写不愿离开所爱的人,内心那份苦痛与挣扎,冷冽又令人感伤;举凡对爱渴望的「The Only Conclusion   、再度攀上澳洲流行榜的「Ahead Of Myself   ,从那优雅舒缓乐章中,体验心醉神迷的柔情爱恋。如果你喜欢Ed Sheeran,绝对不能错过Jamie Lawson!   Jamie Lawson's self-titled album will be released through Ed Sheeran's new label, Gingerbread Man Records on October 16.      Ed Sheeran announces Gingeraread Man Records with first signing Jamie Lawson      “I first became aware of Jamie Lawson a few years ago, after hearing his track “Wasn’t Expecting That”. I very rarely get emotional over a track, but that song stopped me dead. He manages to put across such raw emotion within his work, and I knew immediately that I wanted to work with this guy in some way. Having decided to start my own label ‘Gingerbread Man Records’ with my label Atlantic Records, the first artist I had to sign was Jamie. Starting Gingerbread Man Records means I can put music I love out there on a huge platform, and Jamie seemed like the perfect choice for my first release” - Ed Sheeran, July 2015.      On his return to the UK, he went straight into a residential studio in the Oxfordshire countryside, tasked with putting a new album together in just two intense weeks. He worked with Ed’s producer Will Hicks, whose other credits include Lily Allen, James Blunt, Professor Green, Plan B and Bastille, and recording quickly has allowed the songs to retain an emotional immediacy, an intimacy, that often gets polished away in longer sessions.      If you’re looking for comparisons, think early, Moondance-era Van Morrison meeting the poppy accessibility of James Morrison, with perhaps a tip of the hat to Damien Rice and Ray LaMontagne. But there’s a reason he has decided to title it simply Jamie Lawson . From the fragile, tenderly lovely ‘All Is Beauty’ and ‘Cold In Ohio’ to the reassuring optimism of ‘Someone For Everyone’, this is an album that showcases a writer and a singer who is comfortably, confidently and completely himself.   ‘I wanted to create something with warmth and love that was a bit like a nice blanket, a good cardigan,’ he says. ‘That couldn’t be less rock 'n' roll could it? But I hope it can help and comfort people, and that they’ll feel certain songs are there for them when they need them. I like that idea, because that’s what music has always been for me.’      Certainly, Wasn’t Expecting That is a song that connects with listeners deeply.      ‘When I was touring in Ireland, you’d have families in the audience ¬– but there was always someone missing,’ says Jamie. ‘They came together because of this song, and that moved me a lot. Now I’m getting beautiful tweets from Australia that say “I’m driving into work and I’m in floods of tears again because of your song.” It’s crazy the effect it can have, but exciting, too.'