You And Others

简介:  Vega4在2003年初时发行了乐队的首张专辑《Satellites》,但并没有引起很大的关注。2006年,他们推出了这张《You And Others 》。从他们的音乐中,你可以听出Snow Patrol的味道。有力度的鼓点,有强有弱纯英式的吉他声线贯穿着整张专辑。第一首You And Me,带着复古味道的节奏,加上动听的高潮,吸引力十足。Traffic Jam同样是十分英式,不伦旋律还是演唱部分,都称的上是佳作。Let You是一首与Life Is Beautiful歌曲模式非常相似的歌曲,高潮来的很动听。Life Is Beautiful就更不用说了,专辑的招牌货,除了歌曲很棒外,这首歌曲的意义也是非常值得人们去深思的,单从名字看来,关于生活,关于美好生活的东西。   “我们要鼓励大家去做我们需要做的一切,你可以改变自己,让自己贡献使我们的环境更美好,更加安全。我们需要节约能源,并且保护空气环境....”乐队用歌曲来向世人宣传,表达出那份自己应该去做的东西。vega 4于2009年2月解散。      by Stewart Mason      Interestingly, the press kit for You and Others, the second album by London dad-rock quartet Vega 4, selectively glosses over any mention of the band's 2003 debut album Satellites, basically presenting the group as a new band. Overall, though, You and Others isn't a departure from Vega 4's debut album, or from any of the other post-Coldplay U.K. pop bands it sounds so much like. The singles "You and Me" and "Life Is Beautiful" are catchy pop-rockers in the general style of Travis and Snow Patrol: Johnny McDaid's earnest vocals and Bruce Gainsford's U2-derived guitar sounds will sound comfortingly familiar to anyone who knows Chris Martin as more than Gwyneth's husband and Apple's dad. The rest of You and Others is similarly inoffensive: tuneful, at times very much so, but with absolutely no surprises, from the bombastic "Papercuts" to the almost folkish swirl of "A Billion Tons of Light." Look for pretty much every song on this album to play over the closing scene of one soapy TV drama or another during the 2007-2008 season.
  Vega4在2003年初时发行了乐队的首张专辑《Satellites》,但并没有引起很大的关注。2006年,他们推出了这张《You And Others 》。从他们的音乐中,你可以听出Snow Patrol的味道。有力度的鼓点,有强有弱纯英式的吉他声线贯穿着整张专辑。第一首You And Me,带着复古味道的节奏,加上动听的高潮,吸引力十足。Traffic Jam同样是十分英式,不伦旋律还是演唱部分,都称的上是佳作。Let You是一首与Life Is Beautiful歌曲模式非常相似的歌曲,高潮来的很动听。Life Is Beautiful就更不用说了,专辑的招牌货,除了歌曲很棒外,这首歌曲的意义也是非常值得人们去深思的,单从名字看来,关于生活,关于美好生活的东西。   “我们要鼓励大家去做我们需要做的一切,你可以改变自己,让自己贡献使我们的环境更美好,更加安全。我们需要节约能源,并且保护空气环境....”乐队用歌曲来向世人宣传,表达出那份自己应该去做的东西。vega 4于2009年2月解散。      by Stewart Mason      Interestingly, the press kit for You and Others, the second album by London dad-rock quartet Vega 4, selectively glosses over any mention of the band's 2003 debut album Satellites, basically presenting the group as a new band. Overall, though, You and Others isn't a departure from Vega 4's debut album, or from any of the other post-Coldplay U.K. pop bands it sounds so much like. The singles "You and Me" and "Life Is Beautiful" are catchy pop-rockers in the general style of Travis and Snow Patrol: Johnny McDaid's earnest vocals and Bruce Gainsford's U2-derived guitar sounds will sound comfortingly familiar to anyone who knows Chris Martin as more than Gwyneth's husband and Apple's dad. The rest of You and Others is similarly inoffensive: tuneful, at times very much so, but with absolutely no surprises, from the bombastic "Papercuts" to the almost folkish swirl of "A Billion Tons of Light." Look for pretty much every song on this album to play over the closing scene of one soapy TV drama or another during the 2007-2008 season.