
简介:  Doom revolutionized the first-person-shooter gaming concept. But Doom also meshed sci-fi, horror, and explosive firepower, meaning it only needed to add snakes and bikinis to fascinate whatever percentage of the male population it didn't already control. (Doom: The Leisure Suit Larry Edition....) It was only a matter of time until the franchise followed Resident Evil into the movie marketplace, and who better to star as the game's lone Marine than wrestler-turned-surprisingly-spry action star.
  Doom revolutionized the first-person-shooter gaming concept. But Doom also meshed sci-fi, horror, and explosive firepower, meaning it only needed to add snakes and bikinis to fascinate whatever percentage of the male population it didn't already control. (Doom: The Leisure Suit Larry Edition....) It was only a matter of time until the franchise followed Resident Evil into the movie marketplace, and who better to star as the game's lone Marine than wrestler-turned-surprisingly-spry action star.
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