Karl Jenkins Motets

简介:  Karl Jenkins专辑介绍:Motets is an intimate, a cappella album that features stunning new choral adaptions of Jenkins previous hit compositions and marks the year of Jenkins 70th birthday and fifty years of his career in music.      The album goes back in time and celebrates his hits from the past, including the Benedictus from The Armed Man as well as the stunning God Shall Wipe Away All the Tears in a newly arranged intimate sound.
  Karl Jenkins专辑介绍:Motets is an intimate, a cappella album that features stunning new choral adaptions of Jenkins previous hit compositions and marks the year of Jenkins 70th birthday and fifty years of his career in music.      The album goes back in time and celebrates his hits from the past, including the Benedictus from The Armed Man as well as the stunning God Shall Wipe Away All the Tears in a newly arranged intimate sound.