
简介:  圣女魔咒 电视原声   轰动全美、网路讨论No.1热门奇幻魔法影集“圣女魔咒”原声带终于首度问世了!三位姊妹的魔法呛人,原声带更有Third Eye Blind、Stereophonics、Vanessa Carlton、Flaming Lips、Love Spit Love等超强狠劲卡斯,11曲轮番上阵绝对是最佳首选!   “飞越比佛利”、“霹雳娇娃”制作人艾朗史培林制作的影集‘圣女魔咒’自1998年首播以来,收视率一直高居美国华纳电视网制播影集的TOP 5,同时也是全美少女收视群艳“妙管家”讨喜小生女艾丽莎米兰诺成熟妩媚的风情,以及“飞越比佛利”女主角夏侬道荷蒂的人气,道荷蒂演出3季后,第4季(2001)起改由“惊声尖叫”女主角罗丝高文接手,另一位魔法姐妹淘则是由出身于艾美奖影集“小城风云“的荷莉玛丽柯姆丝担纲。   这部深获美国TV Guide、好莱坞记者报、纽约邮报、Seventeen等传媒推崇的影集,故事藉由一本尘封的魔法书The Book Of Shadows,揭开Pure、Piper、Phoebe Halliwell这三位魔法姐妹淘对抗邪魔的神圣使命以及保护无辜的现代都市冒险,精采的魔法视觉特效之外,延续自“恋爱世代”(Dawson’s Creek)、“超人首部曲”等影集大量运用当代流行歌曲烘托剧情的手法,更是影集征服年轻世代的神奇法宝之一。   配合2003年9月底首映的第6季,Private Music音乐厂牌特地汇整即将在第6季出现的歌曲,发行“圣女魔咒”电视原声带,忠实影迷遍寻不着的片头主题曲“How Soon is Now?”终于曝光,这是由Psychedelic Furs乐团兄弟档Richard Tim为主轴Love Spit Love翻唱英国摇滚重量级队伍Smiths,85年英国金榜作品TOP-24作品(俄罗斯女子团也曾翻唱过),原声带还有来自葛莱美奖提名最佳钢琴才女Vanessa Oarlton一鸣惊人大碟“Be Not Nobody”里的歌曲“Rinse”、南威尔斯摇滚团队Stereophonics2003年空降英国金榜冠军大碟“You Gotta Go There To Come Back”里的季军单曲“Maybe Tomorrow、始终洋溢着阳光色彩的圣荷西摇滚团Smash Mouth 2003年专辑“Get The Picture?”HOT’、 97年以TOP、4劲歌“Semi Charmed Life”闯出名号的旧金山摇滚团Third Eye Bind最新TOP 12专辑“Out Of The Vein”的歌曲“Danger”、90年代中期先后在Trcky后Orbital等电音世代专辑绽放异彩,兼具键盘/作曲/歌唱才华的Alison Gonldfrapp与Will Gregory所组成的欧式lounge/80新浪朝综合体酷团Goldfrapp荣获NME杂雷鬼之父Bob Marley之子Ziggy Marley与Red HOT Chilipeppers两大主将Flea、John、Fruscrante与加州摇滚团lncubus DJ Chris Kilomre携手的唱作Rainbow in The Sky,还有曾为David Gray演唱会担任开场嘉宾,拥有日本/德国/义大利血统,来自维吉尼亚州的实力女声Rachael Yamagata以及90年代以来与Ani Difranco、Barenaked Ladies合作,唱作风格被形容为语Bono、Jeff Buckley相近似的创作才子Andy Stochansky等歌手不平凡的唱作。   Charmed: The Soundtrack is a soundtrack album released in September, 2003, featuring music from the Charmed television series.   The album is made up mostly of tracks by little-known artists, though some better known ones, such as Goldfrapp and Stereophonics, are also featured. The series' use of emerging musical artists has been praised by critics and media outlets, including the Microsoft-owned Ciao which states that:   “ At a time when commercial radio playlists offer little space for anything but the most predictable major-label product, television shows [such as Charmed and Dawson's Creek] are often the only mass media outlet available to emerging musical acts.”   None of the television show's original score is included, however its theme tune, "How Soon Is Now?", appears. Although the album was released in 2003, it contains music from Charmed's first five seasons, and its cover features a publicty photo of the cast from the fifth season. Its release date coincided with the season premier of the show's sixth season.   The album was produced by Jonathan Platt, Jonathan Miller, the President of Artists' Addiction Soundtracks, and Ken Miller, the Senior Vice President of Spelling Television. Platt said of the series' chronology of soundtrack albums:   “ Charmed is an amazing show which showcases some of the hottest and cutting edge music. It gives us a great opportunity to release a soundtrack to a long running successful show.”   A follow up, Charmed: The Book of Shadows, was released in September, 2005.
  圣女魔咒 电视原声   轰动全美、网路讨论No.1热门奇幻魔法影集“圣女魔咒”原声带终于首度问世了!三位姊妹的魔法呛人,原声带更有Third Eye Blind、Stereophonics、Vanessa Carlton、Flaming Lips、Love Spit Love等超强狠劲卡斯,11曲轮番上阵绝对是最佳首选!   “飞越比佛利”、“霹雳娇娃”制作人艾朗史培林制作的影集‘圣女魔咒’自1998年首播以来,收视率一直高居美国华纳电视网制播影集的TOP 5,同时也是全美少女收视群艳“妙管家”讨喜小生女艾丽莎米兰诺成熟妩媚的风情,以及“飞越比佛利”女主角夏侬道荷蒂的人气,道荷蒂演出3季后,第4季(2001)起改由“惊声尖叫”女主角罗丝高文接手,另一位魔法姐妹淘则是由出身于艾美奖影集“小城风云“的荷莉玛丽柯姆丝担纲。   这部深获美国TV Guide、好莱坞记者报、纽约邮报、Seventeen等传媒推崇的影集,故事藉由一本尘封的魔法书The Book Of Shadows,揭开Pure、Piper、Phoebe Halliwell这三位魔法姐妹淘对抗邪魔的神圣使命以及保护无辜的现代都市冒险,精采的魔法视觉特效之外,延续自“恋爱世代”(Dawson’s Creek)、“超人首部曲”等影集大量运用当代流行歌曲烘托剧情的手法,更是影集征服年轻世代的神奇法宝之一。   配合2003年9月底首映的第6季,Private Music音乐厂牌特地汇整即将在第6季出现的歌曲,发行“圣女魔咒”电视原声带,忠实影迷遍寻不着的片头主题曲“How Soon is Now?”终于曝光,这是由Psychedelic Furs乐团兄弟档Richard Tim为主轴Love Spit Love翻唱英国摇滚重量级队伍Smiths,85年英国金榜作品TOP-24作品(俄罗斯女子团也曾翻唱过),原声带还有来自葛莱美奖提名最佳钢琴才女Vanessa Oarlton一鸣惊人大碟“Be Not Nobody”里的歌曲“Rinse”、南威尔斯摇滚团队Stereophonics2003年空降英国金榜冠军大碟“You Gotta Go There To Come Back”里的季军单曲“Maybe Tomorrow、始终洋溢着阳光色彩的圣荷西摇滚团Smash Mouth 2003年专辑“Get The Picture?”HOT’、 97年以TOP、4劲歌“Semi Charmed Life”闯出名号的旧金山摇滚团Third Eye Bind最新TOP 12专辑“Out Of The Vein”的歌曲“Danger”、90年代中期先后在Trcky后Orbital等电音世代专辑绽放异彩,兼具键盘/作曲/歌唱才华的Alison Gonldfrapp与Will Gregory所组成的欧式lounge/80新浪朝综合体酷团Goldfrapp荣获NME杂雷鬼之父Bob Marley之子Ziggy Marley与Red HOT Chilipeppers两大主将Flea、John、Fruscrante与加州摇滚团lncubus DJ Chris Kilomre携手的唱作Rainbow in The Sky,还有曾为David Gray演唱会担任开场嘉宾,拥有日本/德国/义大利血统,来自维吉尼亚州的实力女声Rachael Yamagata以及90年代以来与Ani Difranco、Barenaked Ladies合作,唱作风格被形容为语Bono、Jeff Buckley相近似的创作才子Andy Stochansky等歌手不平凡的唱作。   Charmed: The Soundtrack is a soundtrack album released in September, 2003, featuring music from the Charmed television series.   The album is made up mostly of tracks by little-known artists, though some better known ones, such as Goldfrapp and Stereophonics, are also featured. The series' use of emerging musical artists has been praised by critics and media outlets, including the Microsoft-owned Ciao which states that:   “ At a time when commercial radio playlists offer little space for anything but the most predictable major-label product, television shows [such as Charmed and Dawson's Creek] are often the only mass media outlet available to emerging musical acts.”   None of the television show's original score is included, however its theme tune, "How Soon Is Now?", appears. Although the album was released in 2003, it contains music from Charmed's first five seasons, and its cover features a publicty photo of the cast from the fifth season. Its release date coincided with the season premier of the show's sixth season.   The album was produced by Jonathan Platt, Jonathan Miller, the President of Artists' Addiction Soundtracks, and Ken Miller, the Senior Vice President of Spelling Television. Platt said of the series' chronology of soundtrack albums:   “ Charmed is an amazing show which showcases some of the hottest and cutting edge music. It gives us a great opportunity to release a soundtrack to a long running successful show.”   A follow up, Charmed: The Book of Shadows, was released in September, 2005.