Marks To Prove It
简介: ★独立摇滚乐界中全新天团,睽违三年全新大作
★收录首波同名主打"Marks to Prove It";有请全英音乐奖首席製作人Laurie Latham打造英伦前卫声响
结合了独立摇滚、新浪潮、后庞克等充满多元风格,并带有各方前辈身影的The Maccabees,是当前英国乐团界中最受瞩目的团体之一,也是独立摇滚乐界中,令人激赏的中坚份子。
The Maccabees成军至今已十一年,由主唱Orlando Weeks领军,搭配上双吉他手Hugo White、Felix White,贝斯手Rupert Jarvis、鼓手Sam Doyle,以及键盘手Rebekah Raa,成功的以其三张专辑在英国当地打响名号,但却始终未能进军海外。这次主唱抉定要跳脱出以往的创作窠臼,Orlando表示:「这张专辑裡将不会有太多人声以及过于强烈的个人风格,取而代之的是纯粹的乐器声音,让你可以仔细聆听!」,这洋的转变,替The Maccabees带来莫大的成功。新专辑【Marks to Prove It】发行首週便直接于英国金榜攻顶,挤下这些年乐团/Years & Years、红髮艾德/Ed Sheeran等人;同时,在爱尔兰、荷兰、比利时与澳洲等地,皆闯入百大,可说是乐团出道以来的巅峰之作。
【Marks to Prove It】邀请荣获全英音乐奖肯定的首席製作人Laurie Latham加入专辑製作,尝试在主流与独立中找到完美的平衡点;首波同名主打"Marks to Prove It"强烈的Brit-Pop风格,带出仿若放荡乐团/The Libertines进化版的绝佳氛围;" Something Like Happiness"则具有北国冷冽的气息,也显现了乐团的蜕变;深具强烈节奏感的"Spit It Out",在主唱千迴百转的吟唱搭配下,形塑了独树一格的摇滚洋貌。什麽洋的摇滚声响能在当今音乐市场绽放出与众不同的光辉?【Marks to Prove It】或许就是大家寻找已久的答案。
'Marks To Prove It' will be released on July 31 and features the band's latest single, also titled 'Marks To Prove It'. It is The Maccabees' fourth album and the follow up to 'Given To The Wild', released in 2012.
The album artwork can be seen above. In a statement on the band's website, the significance of the image is explained "The photo was taken by David Busfield and captures an essence of a certain part of the record. It is of the Faraday memorial, close to our studio. It is an extension of the albums intended association with the area it was made, which will be evident from the videos and beyond as well."
★收录首波同名主打"Marks to Prove It";有请全英音乐奖首席製作人Laurie Latham打造英伦前卫声响
结合了独立摇滚、新浪潮、后庞克等充满多元风格,并带有各方前辈身影的The Maccabees,是当前英国乐团界中最受瞩目的团体之一,也是独立摇滚乐界中,令人激赏的中坚份子。
The Maccabees成军至今已十一年,由主唱Orlando Weeks领军,搭配上双吉他手Hugo White、Felix White,贝斯手Rupert Jarvis、鼓手Sam Doyle,以及键盘手Rebekah Raa,成功的以其三张专辑在英国当地打响名号,但却始终未能进军海外。这次主唱抉定要跳脱出以往的创作窠臼,Orlando表示:「这张专辑裡将不会有太多人声以及过于强烈的个人风格,取而代之的是纯粹的乐器声音,让你可以仔细聆听!」,这洋的转变,替The Maccabees带来莫大的成功。新专辑【Marks to Prove It】发行首週便直接于英国金榜攻顶,挤下这些年乐团/Years & Years、红髮艾德/Ed Sheeran等人;同时,在爱尔兰、荷兰、比利时与澳洲等地,皆闯入百大,可说是乐团出道以来的巅峰之作。
【Marks to Prove It】邀请荣获全英音乐奖肯定的首席製作人Laurie Latham加入专辑製作,尝试在主流与独立中找到完美的平衡点;首波同名主打"Marks to Prove It"强烈的Brit-Pop风格,带出仿若放荡乐团/The Libertines进化版的绝佳氛围;" Something Like Happiness"则具有北国冷冽的气息,也显现了乐团的蜕变;深具强烈节奏感的"Spit It Out",在主唱千迴百转的吟唱搭配下,形塑了独树一格的摇滚洋貌。什麽洋的摇滚声响能在当今音乐市场绽放出与众不同的光辉?【Marks to Prove It】或许就是大家寻找已久的答案。
'Marks To Prove It' will be released on July 31 and features the band's latest single, also titled 'Marks To Prove It'. It is The Maccabees' fourth album and the follow up to 'Given To The Wild', released in 2012.
The album artwork can be seen above. In a statement on the band's website, the significance of the image is explained "The photo was taken by David Busfield and captures an essence of a certain part of the record. It is of the Faraday memorial, close to our studio. It is an extension of the albums intended association with the area it was made, which will be evident from the videos and beyond as well."