Here We Come

简介:  我们来啦   由Mark、Ben、Paul、Christian四人所组成的a1优格男孩,每人都有傲人的出身-Mark从两岁就开始弹钢琴,而且自小就跟着父母亲的乐团巡回全球各地演出,15岁时代表英国在罗马尼亚的一项国际歌唱比赛中赢得「最佳新进艺人」奖; Christian在音乐的环境里长大,父亲是挪威着名的流行歌手,祖父是芝加哥管弦乐团成员,六岁时开始学习古典钢琴,也玩得一手好吉他,他是知名艺术学校-利物浦表演艺术学院的高才生,在学校主修的是演唱、作曲以及录音制作;有义大利血统的Paul是全团的编舞灵魂,曾担任过Christian Dior(克丽丝汀迪奥)的专属模特儿,因为一卷在父亲卡拉OK店里演唱的试听带而被一位德国制作人相中,进而为唱片公司所发掘;团里年纪最小的Ben神似当红小生李奥纳多,曾是教堂合唱团成员的他曾於两张合唱团所灌录的CD中担纲独唱,他还曾在教宗和英国女皇御前表演过!      优格男孩是支才华洋溢音乐水准超高的男子团体,每位组员各有擅长的音乐风格,使得首张专辑"Here We Come"呈现多样乐风,再加以与制作Cher(雪儿)畅销百万的超级冠军单曲[Believe]的名制作人Brian Raulings和Mark Taylor共同制作专辑,一方面展现团员们创作词曲耀眼实力,另一方面团员默契十足的美声合音,在表达真挚的情感、款款柔情或欢愉动感的情绪,都有满分的诠释。首支单曲[Be The First To Believe],一首洋溢活力青春的劲作一举打入英国金榜单曲榜Top6,接下来继续推出的快乐单曲[Summer Time of Our Lives],在活蹦流畅的节奏推波助澜之下,也快速踏进全英Top 10。最新一波主打双单曲[Everytime/Ready Or not]首周进榜就拿下Top3,再次证明了al的每一首歌曲都有打进流行排行榜的实力与潜力,一跃成为人气最旺、最受欢迎的男子团体。      by Jose F. PromisAt first glance, A1 may seem no different than the rest of the late-'90s onslaught of boy bands, but these guys differ in that they write their own songs and play their own instruments. That said, this group is definitely a boy band album in the true sense of the word (they're really a "band"). Their upbeat songs are extremely catchy, proving these guys are quite adept as songwriters and may have much longer careers as tunesmiths than what a boy band career may promise. Vocally they are more 'N Sync than Backstreet Boys, although their music, when upbeat, is more disco than 'N Sync's edgier sound. Half the songs on this album are Euro-disco pop, while the other half are ballads. The strongest song on this set is the incredibly catchy "Be the First to Believe." This album scored four European hits for the band, those being the aforementioned "Be the First to Believe," "Summertime of Our Lives," "Everytime" (a double-sided single b/w "Ready or Not," whose string arrangement recalls the disco classic "Never Can Say Goodbye"), and "Like a Rose." Perhaps due to its more disco leanings, or perhaps due to its being less aggressive than American boy bands, this disc never saw a U.S. release, although their European success continued to escalate with their second album, The A List.
  我们来啦   由Mark、Ben、Paul、Christian四人所组成的a1优格男孩,每人都有傲人的出身-Mark从两岁就开始弹钢琴,而且自小就跟着父母亲的乐团巡回全球各地演出,15岁时代表英国在罗马尼亚的一项国际歌唱比赛中赢得「最佳新进艺人」奖; Christian在音乐的环境里长大,父亲是挪威着名的流行歌手,祖父是芝加哥管弦乐团成员,六岁时开始学习古典钢琴,也玩得一手好吉他,他是知名艺术学校-利物浦表演艺术学院的高才生,在学校主修的是演唱、作曲以及录音制作;有义大利血统的Paul是全团的编舞灵魂,曾担任过Christian Dior(克丽丝汀迪奥)的专属模特儿,因为一卷在父亲卡拉OK店里演唱的试听带而被一位德国制作人相中,进而为唱片公司所发掘;团里年纪最小的Ben神似当红小生李奥纳多,曾是教堂合唱团成员的他曾於两张合唱团所灌录的CD中担纲独唱,他还曾在教宗和英国女皇御前表演过!      优格男孩是支才华洋溢音乐水准超高的男子团体,每位组员各有擅长的音乐风格,使得首张专辑"Here We Come"呈现多样乐风,再加以与制作Cher(雪儿)畅销百万的超级冠军单曲[Believe]的名制作人Brian Raulings和Mark Taylor共同制作专辑,一方面展现团员们创作词曲耀眼实力,另一方面团员默契十足的美声合音,在表达真挚的情感、款款柔情或欢愉动感的情绪,都有满分的诠释。首支单曲[Be The First To Believe],一首洋溢活力青春的劲作一举打入英国金榜单曲榜Top6,接下来继续推出的快乐单曲[Summer Time of Our Lives],在活蹦流畅的节奏推波助澜之下,也快速踏进全英Top 10。最新一波主打双单曲[Everytime/Ready Or not]首周进榜就拿下Top3,再次证明了al的每一首歌曲都有打进流行排行榜的实力与潜力,一跃成为人气最旺、最受欢迎的男子团体。      by Jose F. PromisAt first glance, A1 may seem no different than the rest of the late-'90s onslaught of boy bands, but these guys differ in that they write their own songs and play their own instruments. That said, this group is definitely a boy band album in the true sense of the word (they're really a "band"). Their upbeat songs are extremely catchy, proving these guys are quite adept as songwriters and may have much longer careers as tunesmiths than what a boy band career may promise. Vocally they are more 'N Sync than Backstreet Boys, although their music, when upbeat, is more disco than 'N Sync's edgier sound. Half the songs on this album are Euro-disco pop, while the other half are ballads. The strongest song on this set is the incredibly catchy "Be the First to Believe." This album scored four European hits for the band, those being the aforementioned "Be the First to Believe," "Summertime of Our Lives," "Everytime" (a double-sided single b/w "Ready or Not," whose string arrangement recalls the disco classic "Never Can Say Goodbye"), and "Like a Rose." Perhaps due to its more disco leanings, or perhaps due to its being less aggressive than American boy bands, this disc never saw a U.S. release, although their European success continued to escalate with their second album, The A List.