
简介:  My favorite CD from Varttina to date was Seleniko. Some of the tracks on that are just amazing, but there are a few that I always skip. I passed on some of the more recent CD's because I thought they were too pop-y. Vihma, however, if full of great tracks. When I listen to it, I listen to the whole CD. The more traditional character of Seleniko is back, but with beats and rhythms that also give it a modern feel. A must for Varttina fans!
  My favorite CD from Varttina to date was Seleniko. Some of the tracks on that are just amazing, but there are a few that I always skip. I passed on some of the more recent CD's because I thought they were too pop-y. Vihma, however, if full of great tracks. When I listen to it, I listen to the whole CD. The more traditional character of Seleniko is back, but with beats and rhythms that also give it a modern feel. A must for Varttina fans!