
简介:  This is the soundtrack from an average, family-fare movie -- the kind you watch one time and forget about. The soundtrack is great, however, with lots of interesting chord changes starting in "Taking the Inside Rail", sung by Sting, with the theme continuing through many of the inspiring, African-flavored instrumentals. Then there's a Bryan Adams pop song stuck on the end for good measure. There's enough variety here for us to listen to again & again without getting bored and the whole family gives it a unanimous 5 stars!
  This is the soundtrack from an average, family-fare movie -- the kind you watch one time and forget about. The soundtrack is great, however, with lots of interesting chord changes starting in "Taking the Inside Rail", sung by Sting, with the theme continuing through many of the inspiring, African-flavored instrumentals. Then there's a Bryan Adams pop song stuck on the end for good measure. There's enough variety here for us to listen to again & again without getting bored and the whole family gives it a unanimous 5 stars!
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