Year Of Sunday

简介:  by James ChrispellWith their pleasant folk-rock sound, Seals & Crofts deliver an album's worth of material that is pleasing enough to listen to, but unfortunately, nothing seems to stick. "Paper Airplanes," "Sudan Village" and the title cut are all well worth of a spin, but one does come away from listening to Year of Sunday feeling as though they've just eaten cotton candy -- sweet taste, but no substance.
  by James ChrispellWith their pleasant folk-rock sound, Seals & Crofts deliver an album's worth of material that is pleasing enough to listen to, but unfortunately, nothing seems to stick. "Paper Airplanes," "Sudan Village" and the title cut are all well worth of a spin, but one does come away from listening to Year of Sunday feeling as though they've just eaten cotton candy -- sweet taste, but no substance.