
简介:  说起美国的歌舞片,相信大部分中国观众脑海中闪过的第一个印象一定是《雨中曲》,的确,几乎所有的电影教科书都会告诉你,本片是美国好莱坞歌舞片时代最杰出的代表作品,它不仅巧妙地揶揄和讽刺了好莱坞在从默片时代到有声电影转折期的混乱状况,同时也集中罗列了大量美国20世纪20年代末到30年代大萧条时期歌舞电影的怀旧歌曲,加以重新编曲,配以现代舞蹈,创造出许多脍炙人口、引为经典的歌与舞。大家印象最深的恐怕就是那段雨中漫步的片段,歌舞大王金·凯利以其华丽的舞步使这一片段成为传世之作,他本人更是本片的导演之一。本片 拐一位导演则是斯坦利·唐南,此人堪称是金·凯利的绝佳搭档,两人自1940年的百老汇舞台剧《小伙伴》便开始合作,1949年与金·凯利合作导演《锦城春色》获得当年奥斯卡最佳配乐,《雨中曲》是两人合作导演的三部音乐歌舞片中的第二部。本片除了在音乐和舞蹈上的杰出成就之外,其难能可贵之处还在于影片很巧妙地把对好莱坞体制的反思和对好莱坞精华的吸收融合在了一起,成为好莱坞歌舞片中集大成的不朽经典。    Of the promised soundtrack releases from Rhino, Singin' in the Rain is among the most anticipated. Fortunately for the discerning soundtrack collector, it's well worth the wait — fans of musicals in general should not miss this one. Producers Marilee Bradford and Bradley Flanagan have included all the musical material from the film, it seems, added several outtakes (such as the unused version of "You Are My Lucky Star") and topped that off with supplemental material that includes an alternate version of the main title (in instrumental form; the vocal angles were lost). A number of the tracks are newly mixed to stereo from the original studio angles. A beautiful remastering job and copious liner notes (including an article from writers Betty Comden and Adolph Green) complete the package.
  说起美国的歌舞片,相信大部分中国观众脑海中闪过的第一个印象一定是《雨中曲》,的确,几乎所有的电影教科书都会告诉你,本片是美国好莱坞歌舞片时代最杰出的代表作品,它不仅巧妙地揶揄和讽刺了好莱坞在从默片时代到有声电影转折期的混乱状况,同时也集中罗列了大量美国20世纪20年代末到30年代大萧条时期歌舞电影的怀旧歌曲,加以重新编曲,配以现代舞蹈,创造出许多脍炙人口、引为经典的歌与舞。大家印象最深的恐怕就是那段雨中漫步的片段,歌舞大王金·凯利以其华丽的舞步使这一片段成为传世之作,他本人更是本片的导演之一。本片 拐一位导演则是斯坦利·唐南,此人堪称是金·凯利的绝佳搭档,两人自1940年的百老汇舞台剧《小伙伴》便开始合作,1949年与金·凯利合作导演《锦城春色》获得当年奥斯卡最佳配乐,《雨中曲》是两人合作导演的三部音乐歌舞片中的第二部。本片除了在音乐和舞蹈上的杰出成就之外,其难能可贵之处还在于影片很巧妙地把对好莱坞体制的反思和对好莱坞精华的吸收融合在了一起,成为好莱坞歌舞片中集大成的不朽经典。    Of the promised soundtrack releases from Rhino, Singin' in the Rain is among the most anticipated. Fortunately for the discerning soundtrack collector, it's well worth the wait — fans of musicals in general should not miss this one. Producers Marilee Bradford and Bradley Flanagan have included all the musical material from the film, it seems, added several outtakes (such as the unused version of "You Are My Lucky Star") and topped that off with supplemental material that includes an alternate version of the main title (in instrumental form; the vocal angles were lost). A number of the tracks are newly mixed to stereo from the original studio angles. A beautiful remastering job and copious liner notes (including an article from writers Betty Comden and Adolph Green) complete the package.