Hilary And Jackie (Music from the Motion Picture)

简介:  一部英国大提琴演奏家杜普蕾(Jacqueline du pre)的传记性电影,讲述了女性天才演奏家富有传奇性的一生。电影力图从人性的角度出发,去“发现”一个舞台之外的杜普蕾。尽管这部电影与历史事实有不少出入,但无妨于电影的可欣赏性。   杜普蕾是演绎英国作曲家埃尔加(Edward Elgar)大提琴协奏曲的权威(原声中保留了完整的协奏曲演绎)。这首协奏曲是20世纪最为感人的协奏曲之一,杜普蕾的演绎丝丝入扣,充分发挥了其女性独有的柔美与抒情性格,受到乐界一致的好评。可惜杜普蕾英年早逝,是当年乐界一大损失。   电影将这种遗憾留在埃尔加大提琴协奏曲的不断反复中,以此为基调,融合了其他古典音乐家的作品,如巴赫的序曲、长笛独奏,以及音乐监制及指挥家Barrington Pheloung的小品,使得整部电影富有音乐的节奏感和美感。   As might be expected, the soundtrack to Hilary and Jackie plays a highly prominent role in this film about the emotionally fraught relationship between two gifted sisters, one of whom is the brilliant cellist Jacqueline Du Pré. Certainly composer Barrington Pheloung--whose credits include the Inspector Morse series and the evocative score to Truly, Madly, Deeply--faced a heady challenge in writing music to be heard alongside Du Pré's rhapsodic, signature interpretation of the Edward Elgar Cello Concerto, not to mention other classical selections. Even so, the resonantly autumnal, neo-Romantic flavor of his score aptly mirrors the narrative's flashback-oriented technique. His insistence on the cello's urgent high register (played by soloist Caroline Dale) creates a poignant musical portrait of its tragically stricken protagonist. Most of the CD, however, is given to the entire Elgar concerto--an especially effective choice as against the usual potpourri of classical snippets. This charged, elegiac, and easily accessible work--Elgar's own valedictory composition for orchestra--becomes a sort of musical metaphor for Du Pré's emotional journey and gains from being heard in its full context. While the performance featured here is conducted by husband Daniel Barenboim, you'll probably be inspired to try Du Pré's never-bettered version of the Elgar on EMI with John Barbirolli.
  一部英国大提琴演奏家杜普蕾(Jacqueline du pre)的传记性电影,讲述了女性天才演奏家富有传奇性的一生。电影力图从人性的角度出发,去“发现”一个舞台之外的杜普蕾。尽管这部电影与历史事实有不少出入,但无妨于电影的可欣赏性。   杜普蕾是演绎英国作曲家埃尔加(Edward Elgar)大提琴协奏曲的权威(原声中保留了完整的协奏曲演绎)。这首协奏曲是20世纪最为感人的协奏曲之一,杜普蕾的演绎丝丝入扣,充分发挥了其女性独有的柔美与抒情性格,受到乐界一致的好评。可惜杜普蕾英年早逝,是当年乐界一大损失。   电影将这种遗憾留在埃尔加大提琴协奏曲的不断反复中,以此为基调,融合了其他古典音乐家的作品,如巴赫的序曲、长笛独奏,以及音乐监制及指挥家Barrington Pheloung的小品,使得整部电影富有音乐的节奏感和美感。   As might be expected, the soundtrack to Hilary and Jackie plays a highly prominent role in this film about the emotionally fraught relationship between two gifted sisters, one of whom is the brilliant cellist Jacqueline Du Pré. Certainly composer Barrington Pheloung--whose credits include the Inspector Morse series and the evocative score to Truly, Madly, Deeply--faced a heady challenge in writing music to be heard alongside Du Pré's rhapsodic, signature interpretation of the Edward Elgar Cello Concerto, not to mention other classical selections. Even so, the resonantly autumnal, neo-Romantic flavor of his score aptly mirrors the narrative's flashback-oriented technique. His insistence on the cello's urgent high register (played by soloist Caroline Dale) creates a poignant musical portrait of its tragically stricken protagonist. Most of the CD, however, is given to the entire Elgar concerto--an especially effective choice as against the usual potpourri of classical snippets. This charged, elegiac, and easily accessible work--Elgar's own valedictory composition for orchestra--becomes a sort of musical metaphor for Du Pré's emotional journey and gains from being heard in its full context. While the performance featured here is conducted by husband Daniel Barenboim, you'll probably be inspired to try Du Pré's never-bettered version of the Elgar on EMI with John Barbirolli.