
简介:  Escapism has a lovely, tender feel to it. "Running by the Roads, Running by the Fields introduces a piano that dances gracefully on the tips of its toes. It's the sound of an early morning in the coldest season. The cello is forever dressed in gold, and the piano sustains her. But like life in general, it's also a frail and fragile sound. It's something to savour. Extremely delicate lines play on as the piano accompanies her on her path. Sweeping, soft phrases come to light, and generally the tone is gentle and soporific. Feathers is lighter. The cello drifts in and out, pausing for breath now and again. The piano passages pick up speed, and as they do the whole piece drives forward. It presses in, and then backs out and away. The cello, played by Julia Kent, has a tender, emotional depth; it's trying to get to something deeper. The piano and celeste, played by David Wenngren, do more than just support the cello. Every second is a single, precious moment. Library Tapes knows this every note, every shudder of the bow, is played as if it's the last. Like a piece of dusty jewellery, the music sparkles, but its colour has been dulled. Achieving Closure helps to banish the shadows. Chimes ring out as the cello swoops and swoons, bringing with it a light as bright as the earlier sun. With its delayed hope, it pierces the frosty glass of the soul." -Fluid Radio
  Escapism has a lovely, tender feel to it. "Running by the Roads, Running by the Fields introduces a piano that dances gracefully on the tips of its toes. It's the sound of an early morning in the coldest season. The cello is forever dressed in gold, and the piano sustains her. But like life in general, it's also a frail and fragile sound. It's something to savour. Extremely delicate lines play on as the piano accompanies her on her path. Sweeping, soft phrases come to light, and generally the tone is gentle and soporific. Feathers is lighter. The cello drifts in and out, pausing for breath now and again. The piano passages pick up speed, and as they do the whole piece drives forward. It presses in, and then backs out and away. The cello, played by Julia Kent, has a tender, emotional depth; it's trying to get to something deeper. The piano and celeste, played by David Wenngren, do more than just support the cello. Every second is a single, precious moment. Library Tapes knows this every note, every shudder of the bow, is played as if it's the last. Like a piece of dusty jewellery, the music sparkles, but its colour has been dulled. Achieving Closure helps to banish the shadows. Chimes ring out as the cello swoops and swoons, bringing with it a light as bright as the earlier sun. With its delayed hope, it pierces the frosty glass of the soul." -Fluid Radio