
简介:  Thanks to Jonas for this exciting news! ECM will release a Keith Jarrett and Charlie Haden duo album called “Jasmine” in May 2010 (ECM 2165). The album is already listed on Amazon Germany with a release date of May 7, 2010. This remains to be confirmed, but the album was apparently recorded at Keith Jarrett’s home studio in New Jersey in March 2007. Update (March 11, 2010). From Steve Lake (ECM Records, originally posted on JazzCorner.com): “Early in 2007, Jarrett was asked to contribute to a Haden documentary (“Rambling Boy”) and they played briefly together, for the first time since the 1976 break-up of the American Quartet . A few months later, Jarrett invited Haden to his home studio and they recorded in duo over a four day period. “Jasmine” comprises the material they liked best from these sessions. Emphasis is on standards and love songs, but the overall feel and atmosphere is perhaps closer to Jarrett’s solo “Melody At Night…” than anything else in his discography. Intimate, then, and deeply melodic.” Update (March 23, 2010). More information about “Jasmine” from Jazzwise Magazine: “The eight tracks are mostly love songs from the standards book, though one notable surprise comes in the form of ‘One Day I’ll Fly Away’, as made famous by Randy Crawford.” 《茉莉》(Jasmine)是Keith Jarrett和伟大的贝司手Charlie Haden再度联手合作的最新作品,它标志着三十多年来Keith Jarrett和他曾经的标准三重奏之间又开始了首次录音合作,70年中期前他们一直是紧密合作的搭档。亲密、自然和温暖,这张表现爱情的歌曲专辑在Jarrett的家里录制,以他们的自然、率直,说明了他们的亲密关系。《茉莉》专辑里的节目包含非常经典的歌曲如"Body and Soul", "For All We Know" , "Where Can I Go Without You", "Don't Ever Leave Me"等,还覆盖了一首现代的流行歌曲“One Day I'll Fly Away”,这对于Keith Jarrett来说很少见。Jarrett和Haden弹奏音乐非常忘情和投入,除了音乐其他毫无干扰——也只有他们俩能做到这样!
  Thanks to Jonas for this exciting news! ECM will release a Keith Jarrett and Charlie Haden duo album called “Jasmine” in May 2010 (ECM 2165). The album is already listed on Amazon Germany with a release date of May 7, 2010. This remains to be confirmed, but the album was apparently recorded at Keith Jarrett’s home studio in New Jersey in March 2007. Update (March 11, 2010). From Steve Lake (ECM Records, originally posted on JazzCorner.com): “Early in 2007, Jarrett was asked to contribute to a Haden documentary (“Rambling Boy”) and they played briefly together, for the first time since the 1976 break-up of the American Quartet . A few months later, Jarrett invited Haden to his home studio and they recorded in duo over a four day period. “Jasmine” comprises the material they liked best from these sessions. Emphasis is on standards and love songs, but the overall feel and atmosphere is perhaps closer to Jarrett’s solo “Melody At Night…” than anything else in his discography. Intimate, then, and deeply melodic.” Update (March 23, 2010). More information about “Jasmine” from Jazzwise Magazine: “The eight tracks are mostly love songs from the standards book, though one notable surprise comes in the form of ‘One Day I’ll Fly Away’, as made famous by Randy Crawford.” 《茉莉》(Jasmine)是Keith Jarrett和伟大的贝司手Charlie Haden再度联手合作的最新作品,它标志着三十多年来Keith Jarrett和他曾经的标准三重奏之间又开始了首次录音合作,70年中期前他们一直是紧密合作的搭档。亲密、自然和温暖,这张表现爱情的歌曲专辑在Jarrett的家里录制,以他们的自然、率直,说明了他们的亲密关系。《茉莉》专辑里的节目包含非常经典的歌曲如"Body and Soul", "For All We Know" , "Where Can I Go Without You", "Don't Ever Leave Me"等,还覆盖了一首现代的流行歌曲“One Day I'll Fly Away”,这对于Keith Jarrett来说很少见。Jarrett和Haden弹奏音乐非常忘情和投入,除了音乐其他毫无干扰——也只有他们俩能做到这样!