简介: 由奈特沙马兰M. Night Shyamalan执导及编剧(灵异象限、灵异第六感、惊心动魄),奥斯卡金像奖影帝安德林布洛迪Adrien Brody(战地琴人)并找来Joaquin Phoenix(灵异象限、神鬼战士)、Sigourney Weaver(异形)、William Hurt(极光追杀令)领衔主演。由奈特沙马兰亲自撰写剧本的《灵异村》故事背景设定在1897年,描述一群彼此熟识、关系紧密的小镇居民镇日活在恐惧之下,在阴暗的森林里,住着让小镇居民不寒而栗的恐怖怪物,总会出奇不意的侵袭村落,残酷地杀害无辜生命,没有人看过怪物的真面目,更无法确定森林里的凶神厄煞到底是人还是鬼怪,让所有的村民心理都有挥之不去的阴影。
此部电影原声带请来以5度荣获奥斯卡最佳电影音乐或歌曲提名,电影配乐界的中生代音乐家James Newton Howard继《灵异第六感》、《惊心动魄》、《灵异象限》后,第四度为奈特沙马兰的影片担任音乐创作,此次并找来新世代古典小提琴个性才女Hilary Hahn担任本片所有主奏的演出。
知名乐评Terry Teachout在Time时代杂志中赞扬道:“Hilary Hahn是当今美国最杰出的新生代古典音乐演奏家!”在二人的相互配合下从人物的感受寻找音乐的切入点,运用小提琴乐器百弦齐发的起伏,外加鼓乐、巴松笛,融汇成如惊弓之鸟般的紧凑悬疑氛围,Newton Howard以提琴乐器作为贯穿影片惊吓效果与命运议题的主要配器,而潺潺的琴音不时点出主角身陷迷离幻境的不安,Newton Howard善长的管弦乐掌握住深沉的惊惧影音气氛,冷不防的击中惊吓的神经;而Hilary Hahn的琴音温暖的呈现出深层的人性情感,随着剧情的推展,同时也逐步推向戏剧的高潮,而整张专辑的铺陈与流畅的旋律拿捏的恰到好处,堪称今年最具音乐质感与流行并重的跨界配乐原声大碟。
Brought to life by the Hollywood Studio Symphony and solo violinist Hilary Hahn, James Newton Howard's score for The Village, M. Night Shyamalan's twisty parable of fear and love, is one of the film's most compelling assets, and arguably more eloquent in expressing its themes than its often stilted dialogue. Likewise, Hahn's solos rank among the film's best performances; the painstaking delicacy of her work on the bittersweet "Noah Visits" and the growing anguish on "I Cannot See His Color" rival Joaquin Phoenix and Bryce Dallas Howard's on-screen turns. Moodwise, most of the score hovers between brooding and hopeful, as exemplified by "What Are You Asking Me?" and "Will You Help Me?," but, as The Village is tangentially a horror film, "It Is Not Real," "The Bad Color," and "Those We Don't Speak Of" mix some eerie atmosphere and scary noises into the more meditative feel of the rest of the music. While the titles of those compositions and "The Shed Not to Be Used" unfortunately bring to mind the stiff, faux-antiquated dialect of the Villagers, all of these tracks are both more restrained and expressive, conveying much more with sound than the film's words do. The Village is a moody, often lovely score with a richness that benefits from the movie's not entirely successful ambitions while sounding complete on its own terms.
由奈特沙马兰M. Night Shyamalan执导及编剧(灵异象限、灵异第六感、惊心动魄),奥斯卡金像奖影帝安德林布洛迪Adrien Brody(战地琴人)并找来Joaquin Phoenix(灵异象限、神鬼战士)、Sigourney Weaver(异形)、William Hurt(极光追杀令)领衔主演。由奈特沙马兰亲自撰写剧本的《灵异村》故事背景设定在1897年,描述一群彼此熟识、关系紧密的小镇居民镇日活在恐惧之下,在阴暗的森林里,住着让小镇居民不寒而栗的恐怖怪物,总会出奇不意的侵袭村落,残酷地杀害无辜生命,没有人看过怪物的真面目,更无法确定森林里的凶神厄煞到底是人还是鬼怪,让所有的村民心理都有挥之不去的阴影。
此部电影原声带请来以5度荣获奥斯卡最佳电影音乐或歌曲提名,电影配乐界的中生代音乐家James Newton Howard继《灵异第六感》、《惊心动魄》、《灵异象限》后,第四度为奈特沙马兰的影片担任音乐创作,此次并找来新世代古典小提琴个性才女Hilary Hahn担任本片所有主奏的演出。
知名乐评Terry Teachout在Time时代杂志中赞扬道:“Hilary Hahn是当今美国最杰出的新生代古典音乐演奏家!”在二人的相互配合下从人物的感受寻找音乐的切入点,运用小提琴乐器百弦齐发的起伏,外加鼓乐、巴松笛,融汇成如惊弓之鸟般的紧凑悬疑氛围,Newton Howard以提琴乐器作为贯穿影片惊吓效果与命运议题的主要配器,而潺潺的琴音不时点出主角身陷迷离幻境的不安,Newton Howard善长的管弦乐掌握住深沉的惊惧影音气氛,冷不防的击中惊吓的神经;而Hilary Hahn的琴音温暖的呈现出深层的人性情感,随着剧情的推展,同时也逐步推向戏剧的高潮,而整张专辑的铺陈与流畅的旋律拿捏的恰到好处,堪称今年最具音乐质感与流行并重的跨界配乐原声大碟。
Brought to life by the Hollywood Studio Symphony and solo violinist Hilary Hahn, James Newton Howard's score for The Village, M. Night Shyamalan's twisty parable of fear and love, is one of the film's most compelling assets, and arguably more eloquent in expressing its themes than its often stilted dialogue. Likewise, Hahn's solos rank among the film's best performances; the painstaking delicacy of her work on the bittersweet "Noah Visits" and the growing anguish on "I Cannot See His Color" rival Joaquin Phoenix and Bryce Dallas Howard's on-screen turns. Moodwise, most of the score hovers between brooding and hopeful, as exemplified by "What Are You Asking Me?" and "Will You Help Me?," but, as The Village is tangentially a horror film, "It Is Not Real," "The Bad Color," and "Those We Don't Speak Of" mix some eerie atmosphere and scary noises into the more meditative feel of the rest of the music. While the titles of those compositions and "The Shed Not to Be Used" unfortunately bring to mind the stiff, faux-antiquated dialect of the Villagers, all of these tracks are both more restrained and expressive, conveying much more with sound than the film's words do. The Village is a moody, often lovely score with a richness that benefits from the movie's not entirely successful ambitions while sounding complete on its own terms.